Let’s talk 3D printing

Hey nice man. I had the feeling you would like it. Looks great! Really cool software


Not yo-yo. This is about a day and a half of printing so far. They are Disney trading pin display boards. I need to print the screens for the middles.


Very nice and reminds me I need cookie cutters for the holidays


My IGBY (It Goes Both waYs) proto almost worked with the Cabal guts. If I had a longer axle (I apparently do not :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). I’m going to have to sink the spacer seat a little bit.

I printed this one in halves of halves (or quarters?) so the spacer and cap seat print upwards, then join the two halves together with printed pins.

This is how it looks on the printer (except I somehow lost a pin)


Fun idea :+1:


@TryCatchThrow if you do pins I would recommend you print like in my pic and laying not standing. Is way more durable.

In your case you can even makes them rectangular if it is easier.

Just some ideas :smile:


This is a good call out. I threw the pins in relatively quickly and without much thought.


Same idea of your printing an axle.

Latest Hueforge print. Used AI to generate the image which was helpful because I could tell it to draw the image using only the 4 colors I have loaded up on the AMS lt.

AI generated 3D printed paintings. Are we living in the future?


Good idea. AI can be an incredible useful tool in some cases. Looking really cool. I love mountains :blue_heart::white_heart:


@TheThrowingGnome check this if you did not see it before: https://tool.itslitho.com
Can do color litho too.


So I am reaching out to OD for cabal guys and fluid to see if those kits still exist somewhere and Duncan to see if the mod kits still exist somewhere.

Anyone else have some 3d print friendly spacer kits I’m not aware of? Or are there other ways folks have been messing with making bearing YoYo’s with a 3d printer.

I’ve also got a hook up on the FD stuff that’s all still prototyping and super cool that I get to play with at club.


I’ve printed mod spacers with bearing seats and yo-yos with bearing seats. No need for the Duncan ones anymore. Duncan ones also use friction stickers which are also in short supply these days.

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It was a good first attempt at a “Red Team” colorway but the rim is too stringy. I had dropped the heat when I changed colors and maybe that was a mistake (the black prints at 230° which is high, and the red seems like it otherwise performs fine at 205°).


Well it’s supposed to be an organic unresponsive for the Cabal guts but despite my best efforts the Cabal guts don’t fit this one. This red filament seems like it maybe contracts as it cools more than some of my prior colors, as I’m getting a lot of filament pulling up and crossing circles instead of remaining on the perimeter :thinking:


Red one looks like it’ll need support. Hard to print perimeters for a circle with bridging.


It was printed with supports. I showed them here after removing supports and the bridging bits of filament.

For this particular print the issue occurred in the first few layers so I think I’m going to keep the fan off for a few layers (the setting on this one was 1, the default in my slicer).

For the red text on black throw I think I’ll probably try printing at a higher temperature and slower speed.


3D printed unresponsive. Came out too light (55g with guts) and pulse vibes like woah. It’s a little too responsive as well; I’ll clean the bearing and try again later. Cabal guts on this one.


Looks like it struggled a tad on bridging unless that was supports and just not cleaned up perfect in the cup.

Otherwise it looks good. I need to get my dual axis mod wrapped up so I can get back to printing stuff. I’ve got super lazy on that whole project

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