Let’s talk 3D printing

OD does cabal and Luftverk has fluid. There’s also the Duncan guts


Accidentally removed a print when I ran out of filament instead of changing over. I was printing a big narrow dish shaped yo-yo with a fingerspin dimple, tentatively called the Dish. Now its edges are razor sharp!!! Loop 720 for scale.


Here’s the reprint. Butterfly for scale.

I don’t love it. Right now the axle is press fit but needs to be glued. I think maybe back to CAD with this one. Smaller diameter, bigger rim. Also somehow wound up with sharp edges in spite of what I thought was a generous fillet.


What is your top layer pattern? Usually monotonic line works best. I wonder if you pulled the lettering out instead of having it recessed in if it would get rid of the pattern change around the letters?


It’s just plain monotonic. I haven’t really been scrutinizing the top layer in my slicer but I probably should. I’ll try monotonic line and bringing it up.

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Just closing the loop on this for the archives. Emailing OD directly was the way to go and I have a few kits on the way.


If you need the specs for side effects it’s in the download file for teh hackr. Teh Hackr - One Drop YoYos


Fresh print in blue. This is roughly the same Pixie design but I hollowed it out. I was experimenting with slicing the design in gray with lower infill and more perimeter weight, so I took it back to the CAD, hollowed it out, and printed it solid. Clocks in at 46g, one gram lighter than the gray (60% infill).

The new blue also uses a raised inscription, which looks better but the text is a bit too small. I also did close the axle hole to the dimple. This one is press fit together with a 1/4” wood dowel axle, but I’m concerned about longevity because it’s only 16mm long. I’ll have to play it for a while.

I also have a new PLA. I was hoping this silky blue would look closer to Butterfly blue and it does.


Latest print on the right. 44g. Glued wood axle (hole came out too big for a press fit). Very happy with the raised inscription; looks great! Same design as the silver from last post but different slicing strategy. 30% infill will big perimeters to try to put the weight in the edges (vs normal perimeters and 60%). I think I prefer the hollowed out overall (the left, solid infill) and the higher infill lower perimeter (silver above).

I think I’m done prototyping this one for now, as I can sense that I’m about to go down a rabbit hole where I let perfect be the enemy of good. I feel I got two very viable designs for solid EDC replacement for my fingerspin mod Butterfly, so I’m pretty happy with how they have turned out.


The raised lettering is a big improvement! Well done. These look nice.


Fresh print. Tentatively named “The Brute.” Design goals for this one were to try out some new and different features. I wanted blockier, to use chamfers instead of filets, I wanted to try this side engraving, and I wanted a definitely oversized feeling. I also am experimenting with a new response (the concentric circles on the inner wall are an artifact) and a bigger axle at 5/16”.


Nice job. Looks chonky.


Neat. I like it

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New counterweight design too. It’s made of 4 pieces, two halves, a spacer for the channel, and a shaft with a hole through (which I couldn’t remove by hand for the photo below).

It plays pretty well. At 9g it’s just a tad light for my taste. I’m probably going to make the halves wider but keep the spacer the same, and I had tried to thread the shaft but it didn’t print out that way. Threads were probs too small. Will make some bigger ones.


Maybe add a space for a nut or small washer and pause the print at the layer before the printer closes it up to add some weight.


I think a little larger is entirely appropriate, but that’s also not a bad idea.

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The fully assembled Brute.

Clocks in at 52g. Not as large feeling as I was hoping at 58mm. Kind of feels like a hockey puck on a string, but the response is very nice. Might need to play with some of the parameters and maybe sculpt the gap a little more.


Been busy.

Think I’m going to have a few to sell on here shortly…


@TheThrowingGnome here some cool stuff if you do not know it already


You’re some sort of mind reader @Kray :joy:. I bought Hueforge two days ago! Here is my first print of a well known local horse statue.