KC Chiefs fan looking for a sweet red/yellow throw

GO CHIEFS! Wow. Been fan for decades, and a 50 year dream has come true.

First of all, thank you to the friendly community here that has helped me collect some great yoyos and got me hooked on throwing! All of my experiences here have been so positive and I’m grateful.

I’m on the lookout for a red yoyo or colorway with red/yellow combo to commemorate this ridiculous moment in my sports life. I’m throwing out a call for ideas - I’m still a noob and don’t know enough to list specific yoyos, but my abilities require something stable and not too light. I’d certainly be quick with PayPal if anyone has something they’re willing to part with, but really I’m just curious what colorways and options might be out there so I can be on the lookout on all the BSTs. Thank you!

Go KC :slight_smile:


GO CHIEFS! why not the CLYW Chief? :wink:


Would the One Drop “Dragon Slayer” colorway work? That opens a lot of options


exactly what i was thinking…too bad @Sinister_Yoyos has the best one in town!


Bro ash berry is the king


Ive got a Puffin 1 in Hot Fire Lava (Red and Yellow acid splash). Also got a Puffin 2 in the same colorway… Id take 100 for either or both for 175.


I love that puffin

yeah, if my man didn’t have the market cornered :rofl:

If I could find a red/yellow Chief that might melt my brain.

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Thanks for the tip! Just looked up the Dragon Slayer colorway based on your recommendation. That is awesome.

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Anyone know if there was a VTWO w/ Dragon Slayer colorway?

I would ask @da5id (he is one of the owners at One Drop) if they have plans on including Dragon Slayer on the next run of VTWOs

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Someone is selling a reddish gold fade shutter on the bst!


Yep I have that shutter if your interested pm me


I think one of the better choices would be the Yoyofactory yellow and red Aluminum Dream.

A good playing yo-yo with a more functional KC colorway.

I think…


I’ll take a look, thank you!

Thanks for the recommendation - the aluminum dream looks like a quality throw at a good price. I haven’t been able to find an image yet, but I’ll keep my eye out.

Another option is to commission an anodizer to make a custom KC Chiefs logo on a yoyo for you. That would be an awesome way to commemorate the win.

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Saw the Shutter! It’s more “gold” than I’m looking for (Chiefs use a more traditional yellow), but thank you!

I didn’t even know that was a thing. What state does the yoyo have to be in to have this done - is this do-able with a yoyo that already has a colorway applied? Can I take any throw and do this?