K next throw isssssssssssssssss...

I can’t decide between a primo, 888x, or severe… I don’t care a bout size… any of them will do but i just can’t decide

These are some plus and minuses of the yoyo’s that i know of

888x: hubstacks, smooth, undersized, long spin time
primo: amazing finish, smooth, long spin time
severe: like the shape, wide gap
888x: made in china
primo: uhhhhhhhhhh
severe: a little oversized and wide, like realllllyyyy wide.

please help :’( :’( :’(


Those pro’s and con’s are just preference.

You’re going to have to pick a size or shape to go with. Those are the main deciding factors between those 3 yoyos.

ughhhhh thats the annoying thing… idk wich onneeeeeeee… I’m asking people to see how they play now so i have a good idea of what im getting…

They are all great throws and sleep really long it cpm’s down to what you prefer

I have played with a severe 2010 and it is huge and kinda light but plays great
I have not tried the primo but look around for reviews and find whist you can
The 888x plays great and it doesn’t matter that it is made in china

Finally it comes down to personnel preference

I personally like the severe 2010 the most

k… i’m feeling the 888x for the hubstacks… and i love undersized yoyos

Go for the 888x. you will love it.

If you loved undersized yoyos, deffinitly go for the 888x.
But if it’s undersized you want, you have a lot of other options.

Skyline, Boss, Dv888, Tactic, 44, 44 Special, Lunatic, Chaotic, Protoge, Wooly Marmot, most of the Big Brother yoyos, Yuuksta, Eneme, Axiom, and '10 California just to name a few, are all undersized metals.

that deffinately narrowed down his options.

never go for a yoyo souly for hubstacks. also, the server sleeps longer than my 888x usually. 888x is not too stable


Or not.

Any difference would be negligable. Sleep time is going to depend more on the bearing not malfunctioning in any way and having a good throw, especially the latter.

the severe is INCREDIBLY wide. which, i love, but some might not.

sorry, not spin times (well a little) but stability. i found that the 888x tilted on grinds or even just fast combos if i was not paying too close attention. severEs have acutually always worked well, though i never really felt the need to own one.

im looking for something 100$ at most and none of the fundametals please, Jump.
something that can play fast but is also very stable and smooth…
my yukksta does the same thing Lookayoyo

now i’m looking at the 888, primo, pro, or markmont next, ughhhhh decisionssssssss

i would say skyline

btw, why is MADE IN CHINA, A con? It just lowers the price, i think most YYF is made in china. But I loved the severe…

You will not be disappointed in any yoyo you choose.
I’d get a Y-Factor

Why not the FundaMETALs? They’re great yoyos. All of them can play fast, are very stable, and are very smooth, just like basically any yoyo, especially made these days.

Okay… the skyline is too much…
The fundametals are okay… i owned one but it really didn’t please me…

I need recomendations on play experience… thanx for all the help guys

One -definitely- doesn’t speak for all of them. It’s just a line of yoyos that are cheaper. Concluding that you don’t like them because you tried one of them is like saying that you don’t like peanut butter because you got sick from one peanut butter sandwich.

If one of the FundaMETALs fits your preferences, then there’s no reason you shouldn’t get it, assuming you have the $$$.

the ones that fit my prefrences, i have tried… i said i owned one… wich was the Dv888, and that fit my prefrences perfectly… but i like the pro, and stryker, and the 888x, idk about the primo but it looks good