K next throw isssssssssssssssss...

I’m trying to pick my next YYF metal and im between the severe and skyline. I have a superstar and love it, so I’m thinking skyline because it’s a smaller version. But I like the severe shape and because it’s different and want to try another shape, diversify.

skyline isn’t a smaller superstar…

SEVERE for ever!

Made in China is not a con…
That’s just a prejudice in people’s minds. While sure, most things made there are associated with being cheap. However, since it’s Yoyofactory, thre’s no doubt they strive for the highest measures even while mass producing a yoyo for cheap labor.

Made in china means more factory defects :stuck_out_tongue:

Just a heads up on the severe its harder to throw regens on it


Harder than what? It just sounds like you aren’t very good at regens.

yup basically i like the 888x… now decided i am playing with undersized from now on… my friend let me borrow his punch line… played with that… then fixed my yukksta… yukksta for the winnnnn… and the y factor NEXT i am liking… it seems like a faster dv888

Steve is sick at regens, behind back, through the legs, around neck, you name it, he can do it.