Just got back from Club and I can finally say this :)

I saw that video the other day and it definitely gave me a new found appreciation for how much effort goes into making each individual yoyo. Doesn’t mean I don’t think the price is excessive or that they should probably be finding a more efficient way to get Yetis to the public but I definitely appreciate what seems to be a very careful process in making sure each Yeti is of top notch quality and functioning properly before being sold.

I can tell you that after getting my Yeti today, it is hands down my favorite plastic yoyo and I honestly wasn’t expecting much out of it (though I obviously hoped I’d enjoy it). I would be surprised if I don’t buy another at some point. As with most all things yoyo, whether or not the Yeti is “better” than any other individual plastic (or any yoyo for that matter) is purely preference. Who am I to tell someone that a Duncan Imperial isn’t better than the Yeti if they prefer the Imperial or that the Yeti isn’t better than the YYR Dazzler if they prefer the Yeti? People prefer what they prefer. Contrary to popular belief, opinions can be wrong (ie mushrooms are a disgusting food). Preferences can’t be (ie I don’t like mushrooms).

Whether or not the Yeti is “worth it” to a person or not is going to be based on both their financial situation and their preferences. I thought the Rally looked amazing but it wasn’t worth it to me (despite paying 15% off retail from another store during their Halloween sale) because it simply wasn’t the yoyo for me. I think the Yeti is overpriced at $55 but considering how much I spend on yoyos as a whole I could not be happier with this individual purchase. Plastic or metal, I think I would be hard pressed to find a more enjoyable $55 retail yoyo.

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Yes agreed if we put 8hrs a day putting Yetis together we would have a good amount. We also have to factor in other stuff, like shipping, assembling metals, video work/editing, customer support, video contest …

Also, Charles just had to stop assembling Bonfires because his wrists were starting to hurt … and I’ve been on the computer doing shipping / customer service all day. Easy to complain until you’ve walked a day in someone else’s shoes. There is a lot that goes into this. It’s just two people here. We’re struggling to keep things going while other companies just get their plastics made in China for pennies.

We’re also finding that tight spacers make them run smoother.

I’m tired of this. We never get a break. It’s like people think I’m this evil devil guy lately. I don’t get it.

Ah, don’t listen to them Chris. You’re great! Someday I’d love to help you assemble your bonfires :wink:

Maybe you could do a day in the life, or a shop cam? So people could see all the work you guys are doing? I think that there is so much hype that people will do anything to get it! Even insulting the guy who makes them. I do think it is horrible how people are treating you, but it may be due to the lack of information.

Just my $0.02 or £.02

The rally shattering stopped me from even considering buying one. Also I don’t miss the days of weight rings blowing out of yoyos. No thanks.
Yeti all the way for me.

I’ve only heard of one shattering and none losing rings. And the one that shattered was due to temperature, not due to workmanship. So the Yeti would fare the same against the same environment.

Maybe you could send the parts out for the previously advertised $40. I don’t mind assembling my own yoyo.

Careful, Chris, you’re gonna turn into Mr. McPhee if you get all pissy every time a person says something that isn’t 100% positive about your company. That comment you replied to in this thread was coming from a big supporter.

Chuck’s wrists were sore? Really? I’m going to take a guess that he hasn’t had much experience with real physical labor, then. Ill trade him, haha, put him in a ditch with a shovel for a few weeks at minimum wage, he’ll be turning out Yetis like it ain’t nobody’s business.


  1. I’m willing to bet you would change your tune if you were given 1000, unassembled yoyo halves. Do you want to spend 8 hours per day doing that? Yeah, didn’t think so.

  2. Will you just shut up about the $15? For crying out loud, it’s $15. Big deal, the thing was cheap to begin with. $15 is next to nothing in the yoyo world, so why are you still complaining about it? I don’t have a real/full time job, and I can make that much in an hour.

  1. You’re the one that needs to quit getting pissy. Seriously. Chris has handled every single piece of feedback in a positive and professional manner. If you can’t accept that, it would be great if you would stop talking.

  2. I really don’t care how much hard labor you’ve had to do in your life, stop b*tching and moaning about it here. Last time I checked you don’t need a ditch and a shovel to make minimum wage… Even I can do that at mcdonalds. I make more than that mowing lawns.

So please, quit whining to all of us about freaking yetis. The yoyo is good, there will be a fair amount of them made. Story over.

I’m out.

Hey there evil devil guy, does the magic plastic/glass witchcraft that you guys use to make the Yeti make it possible for a glow Yeti to be produced one day? What about clear or an actual pure white? I would send 55 dollars via PayPal straight to chris.mikulin@fourthcircleofhell.com if these ever existed.

Also this isn’t directed at Chris or anyone in general but I don’t get the spacer issue at all. What in the world are people doing that they need to be constantly taking the bearing/spacers out? Like I get that you would prefer that the spacers and bearing be easily removed (so would I) but this really doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. I’ve never been very good at making a mountain out of a molehill on the internet, though, so maybe that’s my issue.

People will always complain. There’s nothing you can do about it.

Maybe my math is wrong, but $15 is a… 37% increase, ???. Rather significant, really.

Just sayin.

It is a 37% increase, so what.
-Just sayin.

It is still only $15, don’t buy extra value meals for three weeks and you will more than cover the difference.
-Just sayin.

Numbers can be skewed to sound worse than they are, it is an old scare tactic. You calling it a 37% increase sounds WAY more ominous than saying it will cost you an extra $15 even though it is essentially the same thing.
-Just sayin.

It is a yo-yo that no one is forcing you to buy.
-Just sayin.

If you are so upset, save your money for a different yo-yo.
-Just sayin.

I’m sure you have many yo-yos in your collection, why have you gone so OCD on this one?
-Just sayin.

CLYW still has to cover costs associated with running a company PLUS make a living to support their families, if not then there will be no CLYW for you to complain about.
-Just sayin.

Are we seeing how silly it is to end a statement with “just sayin”? If you want us to take you seriously we have to know what you are saying.

Is that a euphemism?

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Bottom line, all Yetis sold within 2 weeks
Which means that the price as just about right and maybe a bit cheaper than it could be

Smart words here. Strictly speaking, if it sold that quickly, it was priced at exactly (or less than) what the market would support. And in business, that’s the right price whether it fits our personal evaluations or not.

With all the complaining you would think we were talking about government shutdowns and Obamacare, not a toy.

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It’s also a 66% increase in costs for us to make the coloured Yetis, because of the different material compared to the black ones. Rather significant isn’t it?

400 sold out in less then a week.

Not gonna lie; I wasnt a huge fan of the Rally when I tried it. That being said, CLYWs have a tendency to be awesome and I can only assume (I have yet to try a Yeti) that the Yeti is “greater than” the Rally. Again, this is all an assumption but the Rally seemed sub-par to me.

But hey, this is just an opinion.

Sure, but unless they never plan on making another run, or gradually lowering the price with each successive run, a market clearing price should be looked at long term. Personally i’d like the idea of CLYW decreasing prices as demand decreases and variable costs come down, but then the early adopters would complain. But yeah that’d be great.