Jensen Kimmitt News.

You’re so right. God forbid I have an opinion. I’ll just go kill myself now. :slight_smile:

Oh, and Mattylightning, you’re officially super awesome to me because of Boxxy. :smiley:

glad i can appeal to the awesomeness that is samad! ;D

Well said Icthus. Paul Han is another example. He helped start team YYF, then he left for Anti-Yo, then moved back to YYF. he might have thought he would be better off on a bigger company (Anti-Yo was bigger than YYF at the time) then Anti-Yo just kinda faded away and he moved back.

I still have all the respect in the world for both Paul and JK, and I wish them both well on team YYF.


Well said. :slight_smile:

This all feels way too Hollywood. It doesn’t matter where folks get sponsored. Look at you collection of throws, I bet they are just as diverse as the throwers that wield them…

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Very well put. I was kinda thinking the same thing. Like an " oh what did that Brittney do now?" kinda thing. I know that people say they don’t like YYF because of how they are kind of like the juggernaut of the industry when it comes to metal throws. I know my first metal was a YYF. But they are that way because they keep at it and make LOTS of high quality throws that are available everywhere. I’m not a YYF fanboy, I really want more of the smaller company yo-yo’s. I just think that if you respect somebody just because they are on so-and-so’s team, then your not really respecting the person, so much as the company. Kimmitt has a very strong stage presence and he really does know his way around a yo-yo. He can pull of junk I haven’t even dreamed about yet. And it isn’t like CLYW is going to die off because they have one less guy on their team. I know if I ever get my chance to pick up any of their throws I am not going to hesitate. I know that it stinks that a great player is leaving a great company, but let’s not get to hating before we have a reason.
Just my rant +$.02

I think people are missing the fact that CLYW made Jensen a Signature edition of the Peak and the Wolly Marmot for him and he just left them. In my opinion that is a bit…no actually really selfish.

CLYW will still make money off his signature yoyo, fret not my friend…


lol jk idk if many people read what chris wrote…but it seems to me like he left on equal terms! Lets all just enjoy the fact that he isn’t retiring…

Other people have been given Signature models of yo-yos and left said company. Look at Tyler Severance with the Trainwreck. He was given that model by SPYY and Save Deth and he left SPYY. JonRob as well with the Pure. You can’t say that’s selfish. He has a better opportunity to travel and win contests with YYF because they have the funds to send him places. I am excited for Jensen and hope he does well in his future endeavors.

Team Yomega officially disbanded a long while back. Most of the team members saw it coming (like Pat and Shinji), and left before Yomega made the official announcement to the team.

Gacek was on Team ES. After the store shut down, I think he was a free agent before YYF.

I’m not sure if Ann is on Team YYF. I haven’t heard any official news that she is, but I may be wrong.

Yuuki was only on Team YYJ for a couple months before joining Team YYF. Nothing was really solidified with his YYJ sponsorship when he joined YYF.

Miguel was part of Buzzon, but the team more-or-less disbanded.

Paul was on Yomega for a number of years, then joined Team YYF, then joined Anti-Yo, then joined YYF again.


PS, I’m stoked to share the same team with Jensen Kimmitt.

I’m a fan! :

I’d be stoked too! He’s a really cool guy and a great competitor!

P.S. Augie from the looks of that desktop you’re more than a fan! YOU"RE A SUPERFAN!!! :wink:

Last time I talked to Tyler Severance he to me he was never on SPYY, they just made that yo-yo for him. SPYY also made an announcment that JonRob was their first sponsered player on the team about a year and a half after the train wreck came out.

What you guys don’t understand is that companies don’t make yoyos for people just to be nice, both the company and the player make money off of them.

Also, CLYW is rapidly getting less and less popular. I’m not sure too many more Marmots would have sold anyway. The fact that the three people who know the full story (Chris, Ben, and Jensen himself) are okay with everything shows me that this is not a big deal.

congrats to Paul, p. middy and Jensen for their awesome freestyles!

and congrats to Jensen on his new sponsorship, i think the new look suits you well :slight_smile:

You guys know that Tyler was never on SPYY, right? Steve just wanted to make a yoyo for him and Tyler said, probably something along the lines of, “Hell yeah!”. Wouldn’t you? Lol. He was never a member of SPYY’s team, though.

for jensen and paul leaving there sponsor
I notice paul yath and chris said te same thing
“I can really much for them now”