jensen kimmitt's videos

i can’t see videos on the forums and can only see them if i am directly on youtube. I’m looking to see something jensen kimmitt posted on there but i have searched his name and everything but still can’t find it. could you send me links to things like the northstar test or his superstar video?

he deleted all of his video accounts so you can no longer see them

He quit yoyo’ing.

Meaning, no more Jensen Kimmitt videos.

How Did U Know That He Quit Like Who told Ya ?

And who said he quit?

he didn’t quit yoyoing, he chose to stop being sponsored by yyf. his goal when he joined yyf was to win worlds( which he did ) and now he is done being sponsored by them.

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But then he deleted his YouTube account, Vimeo account, Facebook account (created a non-yoyo one) and Twitter account. All because of yoyoing. What can you explain for that?

I love how everyone keeps making stuff up about this whole Jensen thing when none of you really know anything or have any substance to talk about, just speculation.

To be honest it’s his choice whatever reason he did it for.

From what I’ve heard from a few of my friends in the business is that he’s just done yoyoing professionally and he just wants to do it for fun now. (This means no more competitions from what I’ve understood.)

I can’t blame him to be honest, all of you flooded his Facebook account with just stupid wastes of time. I can’t imagine having 3,000 people on Facebook that I didn’t know let alone all of these people tagging me in photos of their yoyos and sending me stupid messages asking for free stuff.

Can’t blame him.

Wherever you are now Jensen I wish you luck with the rest of your life. You were a real inspiration to yoyoing while you were around but now you need to go and conquer whatever goals are left in your life.


well said.

its a shame cuz i liked his videos. just cuz he only yoyo’s 4 fun doesnt mean he has to get rid of his youtube account.

now his videos will never be seen again… :’( :frowning:

That is a good point though.

when i came and saw 11 people replied to my post i was excited, but when i read them i was disappointed. i can’t believe he almost gave up yoyoing because he was so popular. however i have the feeling your poisoning my mind with weirdness.

not cuz he was too popular- he was forgetting how much fun he was suopsed to be having with yoyoing

Not to be a complete jerk but can all of these Jensen Kimmitt threads stop? He has cut his public ties with the yoyo community, whatever the reason, lets just stop dwelling on it. He made his choice, we should just leave it at that. I have been trying to not post rude statements as it is getting old seeing these types of threads, however I hate the fact that this is at the top of the Videos forum, especially when there isn’t a video. I guess you guys can do what you want, don’t get me wrong I like Jensen’s tricks too, I just don’t drool all over the internet about it. So, I am just begging you Jensen fanboys, to please stop with this stuff, it is getting ridiculous.

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I agree with d4rqk0n3. After all Jensen is just a yoyoer, with the same commitment anybody can be as good as he is.

His mom dies he broke up with his girlfriend of a long time and he doesn’t feel like yoyoings fun anymore…and that’s from jensen

I couldn’t agree more. This should also be applied to ALL pro yoyoers.

he didn’t quit he just quit yyf and joined clyw.

Last I remember he left CLYW to go to YYF, not the other way around.