(Not fly fishing, mostly surf/saltwater and a little Bass.)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Slight variation on Skittles today. Normally I do a rainbow fadesplash on both halves, this time I tried red-orange-yellow on one half and blue-green-yellow on the other. I like the way it came out. Especially spinning!
It is my ultimate yoyo goal to own one of your yoyos with a skittle-like pattern on it. There is nothing that compares in my eyes, they just look SO GOOD.
Can’t wait to check out what you have in the works. I’m still utterly enamored with the Skittles/Silver Skittles colorway you came up with. Best colorways ever.
I think my favorite anodizations on a mass produced yoyo are the ones that Monkeyfinger has been putting out. Always fun, colorful, unique and well-executed. Yoyos should be fun and the Monkeyfinger colorways are just that.
It’s getting harder and harder to be original with anodizing… splash on acid wash (originally on 28 Stories from CLYW) is pretty much standard fare nowadays. Back when I started anodizing, almost any new color combo was cool and inventive, now it’s ho-hum. Additionally, most anodizing on yoyos comes from Gruntbull, so there’s only so much variety you can get through them.
I’m also starting to see a lot of my fadesplash (Skittles) colorways being reproduced on production throws. (Macrocosm, RecRev, X Cube’s Aware, some crucial stuff, etc.) It’s not surprising… At the risk of sounding a little arrogant, I will say that I have a suspicion that manufacturers use www.loadedyoyos.com as a ‘window shopping’ catalog for inspiration on new colorways.
Haven’t done a PacMan yoyo, but I have thought about it. Would be similar execution to the Space Invaders Whistle posted earlier. (Speaking of which, I may be ready to let that one go soon.)
Pokeball could be interesting… it might be hard to execute though. The Pokeball assumes a ball shape and yoyos are the exact opposite of that.