Well I’m definitely not surprised that some production yoyos are using cribbed versions of your original designs. But yeah, not giving some credit to you is not cool…
As far as Monkeyfinger goes, they made a big entrance with their first colorways, that’s for sure. And I was just checking their most recent stuff and I do like how they’re pushing the boundaries of what looks good, haha. Some bold and exciting color schemes and execution. I was impressed.
I think Square Wheels is doing some great stuff as well. I especially like their chip-away colorways. I’m still looking for a nice first run Royale for my collection.
Recipe: “Polished Caribou with Loaded Rainbow dressing”
Two perfect, factory raw yoyos from Chris at Caribou Lodge (This dish made with a Chief and Avalanche, but feel free to substitute other CLYW per your taste)
Anodize racking
Sulfuric acid
Masking and solvent
Boiling water
Five hours of sweat, focus and National Public Radio
Gut yoyos
Clean, prep and rack.
Place yoyos in bath and electrify
Remove yoyos after anodizing and begin dye process
Sorry guys, but there’s no plan for me to go back to doing customs again. As I’ve mentioned before, the stress, worry and labor involved outweighed the benefits of me doing them. I make exceptions every now and then, but it’s usually just for friends or when I’m including an ano job as part of a trade.
Unfortunately, there are very few homebrew/small scale anodizers in the community. Those that do start usually burn out after a few months. By limiting my ano work and only doing them whenever I’m in the mood, I hope to stay anodizing for a long time to come.
If you’re looking to buy a Loaded yoyo, I suggest following my Facebook or my BST here. I post yoyos up for sale on ebay and I also make it a point to sell a few pieces at cheap set prices so that it remains affordable for people.
Skittles splash on acidwash CLYW Peak (up on ebay shortly)
For this Peak, I gave it a nice satin finish and then a variation of Skittles with acid washing in the background. It really gives it a nice organic feel while still remaining bright and bold. I’ve generally kept Skittles on solid backgrounds because I’ve been afraid that a busy background might take away from the fadesplash, but I think this one came out well.
Silver Skittles YYF Genesis for John Higby
Special little request for John as part of a trade we had. I’ll have to post some of the FHZs he painted for me.