The main reason I made this thread was because I feel people like this are everywhere, keeping our little sport down. Young people see, and hear, things like this and get discouraged from even wanting to yoyo for fear of being ridiculed and generally looked down upon.
Alright, thanks, I just got a bit worried there.
Honestly, I think that you can’t take any negative feedback on the internet seriously. Positive feedback is different, because if they took the time to write that stuff, they put thought into it. It’s much easier to comment insults than compliments and constructive criticism. This Catherine is a good example of someone using the internet as a mask. Once you realize that internet insults don’t mean anything, you’re gonna be way better off.
The people that leave those comments are the people who only read People magazine and actually care about what every celebrity is doing while spouting dumb crap about people like us who “waste our time” yoyoing.
Anyone else want to do a boomerang to her face?
This is why Steve Brown is my hero.
Let this lady say what she’s going to say. If she feels better afterwards, great. Now she can move onto something else. Things like this don’t affect me at all. She probably spends a lot of thinking about other people. And how what they’re doing is wrong in her image. You know how much time I spend thinking about her? None.
Besides. I would be sad if Janos was my kid, too. He’s older than me. Which means I would’ve had a baby before I was even born. This makes no sense. And not even being born yet is way too young to raise a child. I wasn’t ready for that commitment.
Worst is the Asian stereotype remarks.
Those are annoying Anyway, anyone see the reply I posted ;D
Hey! I play football
Pretty sure this person has bigger problems in her life than worrying about what her son might be doing with his.
That is a shame, it wasn’t that way when it first got popular at least the comments on one particular website
Aw come on, as much as I would join in on it, I don’t think it’s just right to jump to such harsh words.
What’s happening is only a cycle. If I learned anything from middle school literature (now that I’m starting highschool ), that when people are to act like that, we shouldn’t just fight it back with the same fire.
Does that make sense to you guys? In essence it’s cruelty breeds cruelty. The woman attacked our passions, our hobby. It seems like a perfect time to retaliate, with your choice of words, and I don’t blame you. What she said just encourages a person like I, who gets really defensive of their hobby, to respond with a flame. But like how she doesn’t know our situation, we don’t know hers.
If anything, throwing gets the ladies’ attention.
Yes. Welcome to the internet.
That lady is probably of the belief that yoyos are baby toys and the only acceptable form of adult entertainment is alcohol. I’d love to know if she even knows what a hobby is. I’m guessing her only hobby is ridiculing others over the internet because they found a way to have fun in life and she hasn’t.
This is another reason why I love yoyoing. Knowing that people are THIS jealous of not being capable of doing something like yoyoing. Let me rephrase that. Everybody is capable, but few are willing to put hours of work in. I feel special knowing that I am a part of something that people are jealous of. It makes me feel all warm inside =D and also, “if you don’t have any haters, you’re doing something wrong”. So at least whoever that guy is, at least he’s not doing anything wrong…
I kinda find it hypocritical that we’re assuming some qualities, some nasty qualities, to this lady when we don’t even know who she is. How is it any different of her bashing on Janos [and in extension, us yoyoers] when we’re also here behind a computer with CAPS LOCK on and raging over the comments?
The responses here makes us just as ignorant as that lady.
The opposite can be true also.
Yoyoing is our hobby, not bashing on others because they’re bashing on us. Let’s leave it be, it’ll die down in a few days anyway.
Plus, those ‘do me yo-yo master’ jokes are getting old anyway.
Aye, if you guys feel any sort of emotional distress while being on the Internet, you’re doing it wrong.
If you couldn’t guess, I’m one of those people who can’t understand how people get cyber bullied when it’s so easy to avoid.
I got a tweet by Tyler, the Creator that’s completely relevant to what you just said but I can’t post it here sadly 'cause of language =[
ohwell, PM sent
Stupid accidental thank yous…
Ok, it is offensive, but who cares? Did she insult you? No, its not a big deal guys. I didn’t even find the comment “WOW” offensive…