Haha, that’s funny right there. Leave Thank you’s and then be like “oops, that was an accident.” Funny way to troll you guys >:]
Seriously though, you guys are overreacting. SaltySalvador is right. You can’t take every little comment on the Internet seriously.
99% of the Internet is a bunch of idiots.
1% is decent.
Kinda off topic but I found a post on YYN from 3.5 years ago where you called me a racist. lol
Ok, I was eleven then lol
lol I play yoyo and still get girls. plenty of them. its sad really, I love yoyos and girls so much. but I get bored with both and ignore them for a week or two. then they are always there ready to be picked back up and go. hahahahaa. I have girls tell me how dope my throwing is. some have said the opposite, but that’s okay cause she obviously didn’t know anything hahahaaha
Haha YoRed
You haven’t seen me at my school yet.
Its true.
Someone holds a grudge much???
I hope you’re joking.