So a bit of a personal story that happened to me the other night that I thought I would share!
As I’ve started getting back into things, I have made a habit of carrying around a yoyo with me when I go to and from work in the city and back home. The other night, I had spent some time with some friends for some late night drinks downtown, and was heading back home. I had my xconvict on me and I was throwing a bit while waiting for the next train. There was a guy who saw me and approached me exclaiming “hey you yoyo!”
Turns out that this guy used to throw quite a bit during the 02-03 period and had quite a bit of trick knowledge. I offered to let him try the convict but he was scared to ding the metal rims apparently. Which is when I reached into my bag to let him use my Big Ben.
He threw down some pretty neat stuff actually! Definitely had an old school feel to it which I loved.
We ended up hitting it off real well and talked quite a bit on the train.
We ended up exchanging contact info and I insisted on letting him keep the Big Ben. He agreed but only if he could buy me a drink sometime. Looks like I got myself a date next weekend.
I am very glad I had the Big Ben on me as he really didn’t feel comfortable throwing the vict due to the metal. And hey, possibly reigniting the yoyo spark of his past? And getting a date with a pretty cute guy all at once? Seems like a win to me.