is YYF evil?

When I made up the username, I was 1-2 weeks into yoyoing and thought the 888 was like, a CLYW snipe, the greatest yoyo ever, then I saw the superstar.

Funny thing about carbon footprints. You have one.

Carbon Dioxide is not what factories produce. It’s carbon Monoxide. THAT is dangerous. The burning of things produces that. We ourselves produce Carbon Dioxide.

This is probably the most truthful thing in this thread.

This is quite possibly the stupidest thread on the forum. Which really is saying something.

Talking crap about YoYoFactory makes no sense. You can keep doing it, they will keep helping you as much as possible. Lol.

“Haters gonna’ hate”, as I think Ben puts it.

i like how tyler wrote that right after what icthus wrote.

Well, honestly, I had no harmful intentions towards yyf, This thread was serious in the first 4 posts, then it became quite amusing to see what people could come up with as a joke.

My personal favorite is “YYF eats puppies and spits fire”

yeah, i think almost nobody think YYF is evil.

Lol, probably not. I know, when I think of a factory the first thing that comes to mind is those pictures with the huge buildings that have smoke emitting from the top. What your thinking of is the Industrial Revolution, with the Bourgeoisie (factory owners) and Proletariat (workers). Not trying to sound smart or anything, as the opening post of this topic reminded me of that time period.

Take care of the Environment!

Think of how many Metals they used to craft those yoyos!

Use recyclable plastic in making plastic yoyo’s and sell them in cheap prices!!.. haha!

Environment friendly and economical!

If they are then that must mean that evil companies reply to your Twitter questions and post awesome videos on YouTube. We are all doomed.

Aluminum is arguably easier than plastics to recycle

Is that your next step? Owning your own aluminum recycling plant so there will be no B-grades and no scrap? lol

Honestly I can’t believe this thread was ever serious.

I mean think about it. There are companies that produce steel. One of these companies alone in one week will produce more than YYF ever will. Yes YYF you are evil. lol

This thread has run it’s course. If you really think a yoyo company is voodoo puppy sacrificing evil or the Virgin Mary is appearing in your pile of used string, check your house for a gas leak and the go outside and yoyo.

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