Is Everyone Throwing CLYW?

Yeah, I’ve never had a problem with unscrewing.

I don’t ever think of any yoyo as a status symbol. I’m sure there are people with that mentality, but I just can’t relate to that. Maybe I’m just too old for those kinds of shenanigans.

I happily hype up the Werrd Minute as often as I do my only retail-purchased CLYW (the Puffin 2). I just like to push people to try great yoyos.

Yep, you know that you are too old when you use the word, "shenanigans,’ correctly in a sentence! :wink:

On topic, the company makes some great yoyos and it would be nice if everyone could try one. However, there are those people that find other companies just as enjoyable.

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How many times have I been confused by “I call shenanigans on that.”

OK, only a few (a guy learns quickly)… but it was still annoying at first! I blame South Park.

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I’d like to try or get a clue throw… I just wish they weren’t so pricey. It’s not that I can’t afford them, it’s just that I really don’t like to overspend like that. Maybe one of these days…

Hey Farva, what’s the name of that restaurant you like?

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Thats excatly why the made the Yeti!
(Its still one of my favorites of theirs above most of the metals)

I own/have owned a sufficient amount of CLYW, and I have enjoyed them (apart from the Arctic Circle). However, I’ve enjoyed other yoyos by other companies just as much, and apart from the Cliff (purely because it’s so unlike anything else I’ve tried), I wouldn’t really feel like I was drastically missing out by not owning them.

Some days I throw nothing but CLYW, other days I’ll spend throwing my Rally exclusively, or any of my many YYFs, OD’s or YYR’s. There are many fantastic yoyos out there made by many different companies.

I don’t want anyone to feel that they’re “missing out” by not trying a CLYW throw. Sure, Chris makes great yoyos, but once you accept the fact that 90% of unresponsive metals out on the market at the moment are going to play great, then you don’t get so hung up on names and brands.

That’s why I have trouble when people ask me “what’s your favourite yoyo company?” I spend all day throwing different throws from tonnes of companies and I love all of them. To me the yoyo matters, not the company. I’d rather play a $20 magic yoyo that I enjoyed rather than a $150+ CLYW or YYR that didn’t ring with me.

The most iconic CLYW’s that offer incredible play in my opinion are the Chief, Yeti, AC&AC2, Bonfire, Marmot 2 and Avalanche. Happy deal-hunting!

Haha I use A grade CLYWs as more of a BST item, and fools golds for play. CLYWs are amazing though, I just wish they went for a bit less.

don’t have one yet but i’m sure i’ll have to get a couple of those too. i’m just amazed at the quality of these premium brand yo-yos… they feel so good in your hands. never thought i would have such an attraction and obsession with a “toy” yoyo. haha.


Yeah, that’s true, that’s why I’m still waiting for them to do a 3rd run with a bigger production so that a good majority of us can get one this time… Unless you wanna sell me yours for a good price? Lol