Introduce Yourself!

Welcome to the forums! It’s so awesome that you are buying yoyos for your kids as well! It’s going to be a great bonding activity!


Hi, I’m Abellia! I’m studying music, classical performance on trombone. I got back into yoyoing as soon as I had the time to at the end of the semester, since I left a few in my backpack when I moved out to uni and I remembered that I used to yoyo. Currently my favourite yoyo is probably my 2016 superstar (although the two delrin yoyoempire throws I got off the local bst might dethrone it once I form a solid opinion on them…) and I’m working my way through kamikaze, white buddha, yuuki slack, spirit bomb, tsunami bomb, monochrome, supercharger, bone splint, and konami code.

I found out about yoyoexpert through targeted ads (I didn’t recognize the the redesigned website at first, but I recognized the name once I clicked onto the ads!)


Appreciate it. Yea I’ve definitely moved on and found some favorites so far and picked tricks really fast but always more to learn.


Welcome to the forums! The 2016 superstar is an oldie but goodie! You are quite far up the trick ladder as well! Good job!


Welcome !!! Yo-yoing is a great hobby and for me I never stop learning so I’m glad that you and your kids are yo-yoing as well it’ll stick to you for a while keep it up !!! :+1:t2::wink:

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Welcome it’s nice to have to have you here on the forums !!! It’s seems like your a pretty skilled yo-yo player.Those tricks ain’t all that easy but keep it up and you’ll be progressing in no time !!! :grin::wink:

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Welcome !!! The wedge is a great yo-yo to pick up for unresponsive play I tell my friends all the time to pick one up if they can. It really puts you far on your yo-yo journey keep it up man :+1:t2::grin:


Hello, I’m new around these part, but have been coming to the YO-YO Museum for some time. Great source of information!

I started playing with Duncan yo-yos back in the 1950s. Never learned many tricks, though. But I could walk the dog and bit the dog, over the waterfalls, rock the baby, around the world and, of course, make it sleep. Not sure about all the trick names, but that’s what I call ‘em.

I once tied for third place in a Duncan sponsored contest. There were only four participants, however, and neither one of us could make our yo-yo sleep.

My favorite yo-yos are the Imperial and the Mardi Gras.

I recently regained an interest in yo-yos, thanks to eBay, and have started a collection of yo-yos from the 50s and 60s.

Looking forward to participating in the forums.



Hey, I’m Luke!

I started yo-yoing around 2006 or 7 with a very basic $5 butterfly yoyo (no ball bearing). Shortly after, a very kind family friend gifted me a small bag of entry level yoyos (very basic stuff) that let me do tricks like double or nothing and not much more, nevertheless that gift was more than enough to get me 100% hooked!

I’ve competed in a few tournaments doing sports ladders and some freestyles. Nothing crazy. I’m not a very technical yo-yoer and focus on consistency and big flashy tricks that the non-yoyoer can appreciate!


YIKES! I held my first yo-yo in the 1950s! 😵‍💫

Time flies…:older_man:


Cool! What was it? Duncan Imperial or Butterfly?

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Ya’ know…I don’t remember. Probably a basic Duncan wooden yo-yo. I had to save my money to afford an imperial. :moneybag:


Sweet! Was just talking with a guy I work with who grew up with the Duncan Imperial. I think it was released around 1954 and is still a solid and classic yoyo!

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Yeah, I grew up with boomers and having an Imperial was like owning a 3/4 length leather jacket. All the hoods had both. :astonished:


That’s great! :rofl: A different time for sure, but sounds like a lot of fun!


Just used a calculator and it looks like the $3 Imperial would cost around $30 in today’s money! I can see why it was tough to get growing up!


Actually, they were only $1.00 when I was drooling over them. But when your allowance was a dime a week, we’ll…. We used to scrounge up discarded Coke/Pepsi bottles which got you 2 cent each when returned for the deposit. Dem we’re the day!


My first yo-yo was probably something like this…


Can you do all the tricks you used to do?


Haha! Most of them, which wasn’t much. I’m about where I was as a kid. And when I look at today’s experts, I slip my yo-yo in my pocket. :grin: