Introduce Yourself! 2024

Why can’t I post in the ‘introduce yourself forum’?


Idk it worked for me a while back.

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Thank you.
I’m assuming it’s because I’m still pretty new however you would think that that would be the first thing someone would be allowed to do :woman_shrugging:t3:


@jhb8426 is it time to close it up and start a new one?


:100::fire: same experience.

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Odd I wonder why. Probably some silly oversight or attempt to keep spammers or something out. Either way happy your here hopefully after a bit of interaction or time you’ll have enough access to introduce yourself.

Or an admin can possibly help. Either way welcome to the forums.


The MYY V3 yoyo is my absolute favorite. I’ve got some expensive ones but the V3 is always my go-to.
I have one set up for responsive and one unresponsive. I have really dinged up ones that I take when I leave the house.


My name is Kim, not always the intolerable1 like my screen name(just sometimes :sweat_smile:).
I’m a 53-year-old “Mimi.”
Probably a good 20 years ago I picked up some yo-yos for my kids Easter baskets. There were four styles and they were the, now out of business, Peter Fish from Australia. I have three kids and there were four styles so the fourth was for me. I messed around with it for a bit but too busy as a mom to get into it.
Skipping to years later, which is recently, I came across one of those yo-yos. That got me into it.
I pretty much have zero muscle memory so I suck pretty bad for how long I’ve been doing it. It’s pretty embarrassing so I won’t say how long lol. I’m teaching myself online with videos. I’m at a point that would help a lot if I had human interaction. Nonetheless, I continue it because it helps with my extreme anxiety.
I’m hoping to hit at least one meetup in Seattle soon (if they’re still meeting) but I’m intending right now to go to the competition next month on the 24th.
My favorite yo-yo is my V3. I have expensive ones but this is my favorite go-to.
Even though I don’t have anyone locally to play with, I look forward to learning and meeting other enthusiasts in this forum. :yo-yo:


I don’t know if I suddenly figured it out or if it just happened but it worked!
Thank you for your help


Welcome to forums Kim!


Indeed Kim. Welcome. If you have looked back through this very thread you’ll find that many on here gain tremendous therapeutic relief from this silly little toy. Most of the videos you see will show people who are rather impressive in their skills, but there are still many on here who would not feel comfortable sharing their skills with the community in a video. So it can seem like everyone here can do ever trick there is with the precision and grace of…well…someone with a lot of precision and grace. :smiley: But you are, in fact, among many of meager skill so don’t feel like you should be here, or there, or anywhere. If you enjoy it, then you enjoy it. Just don’t eat the green eggs and ham. :wink::+1:


Like he said! I met many yoyoers on this site and made many “relationships”. You can find almost anything on here too.


I have gained 10x more motivation to do tricks just because my friends are getting a little irritating


Hello, my name is Jacob, I’ve been throwing regularly/seriously for the past 4 months or so, off and on since around 2000, I was never really serious about it til recently, I’ve been battling some serious depression and anxiety issues. When I’m throwing my Yo-Yo that’s all I’m focused on for that time which is nice. It’s really been helping me deal with everything. I’m pretty much constantly throwing in my free time these days, been focusing on cleaning up my binds today. So glad I found this forum, it’s a very cool place.


Welcome Mimi! My kids have a Mimi too! I wish she yoyoed :joy: glad you’re here!




Welcome dude! This is an awesome place. Glad you made it! I got big into throwing for a lot of the same reasons as you, it sounds. Hope all is well dude. There are lots of great people here that can help with almost any and all matters, especially if they pertain to yoyo, but, also, even if they don’t, a lot of times. Never be afraid to reach out.


Howdy all! My name is Frank. My friends call me Frank. I’ve been throwing for a while but mostly just basic, foundational stuff to keep my hands busy. It wasn’t until recently when one of my friends told me he also throws that I actually became interested in anything more advanced than rock the cradle.

Currently throwing a MagicYoyo Crystal K2 Plus for responsive and a HKSOD xmas theme for unresponsive. Looking for a few others, particularly a RBC. My current re-ignition was coming across a Butterfly in a Cracker Barrel.

Currently, I’m working on perfecting the man on the trapeze as well as consistently being able to return a helix/UFO as well as consistently getting multiple loops.

I’m not looking to throw competitively or professionally, but just have fun and talk with other people about it


I’m that friend :slight_smile:
Unless he acts up, then I don’t know him at all