Introduce Yourself!

This is close to how I got back into yoyos. It was a pretty crappy cheap yoyo, hah. I think i still have it.


Hello fellow throwers, Iā€™m cmoney Iā€™ve been throwing for a couple years now, favorite throws i have are my yyf peregrine yyf hummingbird and my mk1 exia. I decided to get on the forums to feed my collection addiction. To that I say ado and begin my hunt!


Welcome aboard!


holla at yā€™all
new catsā€¦ welcome!!!


I donā€™t think that you have to worry about getting the skill of yoyoing down. Everyone has their own pace. For instance, some people have been yoyoing for 2 years, and are better then me, and Iā€™ve been yoyoing for 6 years. But that doesnā€™t mean that I donā€™t enjoy it. Just go your own pace, and enjoy yourself. Thatā€™s the point of a hobby. Yoyoing is fun, youā€™re going to enjoy it.

Also, if any of you newcomers need some assistance, just dm me. Iā€™ll give you a free analysis if you want it. Just tricks that I would suggest learning next to best advance your style. I know that some people charge a lot for that, and I would be only too happy to zoom with you for an hour or so if youā€™re interested. Just a thought.

Edit: I am insinuating that I would do it for free. After rereading it I realize that that isnā€™t insinuated, which is what I was going for.

Seriously though, I wasted too much time worrying about what everyone else thought about my style to worry about my style in general. Yoyoing is fun. Treat it as such.

And welcome to the forums! The people here are really nice and helpful. If you have any questions, just post them up and expect an answer within the hour. These people are lightning fast. Just be careful with the bts strands. Pretty much all of the people who post them are ligit, but I was scammed by one, and after a little searching I found that I wasnā€™t the only one. I know for a fact that @ryanmcg is legit, because I got a edge from him, and you can always check out their feedback strand. If they donā€™t have one, be skeptical.

I just remembered that you mentioned that you were a father, which means that you are at least above the age of 20, so you probably know this already. But even so. For those of you that are new and this didnā€™t seem apparent, there you go. Check before you send someone your money. And enjoy the forums.


Might have to take you up on that at some point. Nice of you to offer your time for us. I am definitely going to be looking at the various tutorials in the next few days to pick something new to attempt to learn. I have been using this site, gentry stein, and ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  tutorials. I like to watch every trick I attempt to learn on all 3, as I find sometimes one clicks more than another, or sometimes one of them offer some additional insight that another did not.


Thatā€™s a good idea. I wish Iā€™d thought of that. Although, when I was learning, I just used yoyo of the tricks of the .com (the server filters it out like, well, you know.) to learn all my tricks and it served me just fine. I donā€™t know about Iā€™ve never used it before. I bet itā€™s really good though! (Please donā€™t come after me admins. Just trying to make a point)


Hey, my name is David. I used to yoyo a lot when I was younger and have since lost touch with the sport. Looking to get back into the community and see how it has evolved since I was younger.


Welcome, @djeff_7 and @cmoneylone1999!


Welcome aboard! I think you will find there is more of a variety of yoyos to chose from than ever before!


Hello! Iā€™ve been throwing on and off for about 5 years. Youā€™d think after such a long period of interest Iā€™d be competent but I can safely assure you that thatā€™s not the case :upside_down_face: Iā€™ve had a Horizon for about as long as Iā€™ve been throwing, and I just ordered an Invaders Must Die. I havenā€™t really thrown at all for about a year, so Iā€™m hoping that the new throw and the discovery of this forum will keep me interested and hopefully Iā€™ll improve.


Welcome to The forum!!!


You will do great! Welcome!


Welcome brotherā€¦ To be honest, I probably spend more time in the forum than throwing, so Iā€™m sure this place will keep you interestedā€¦ About improving, I like the Trick a Week thread, I have been learning a lot thereā€¦

And despite I spend some time here, I still dont know how to link the thread in a post, sorry. Hahahah


welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey Everyone!

My name is Andy. I was a frequent collector/basic yoyoer when I was younger and decided to jump back into the hobby. I dove head first back in and picked up a One Drop Intro and have been enjoying learning how to bind. Iā€™m really enjoying having a hobby that gets me away from screens (although Iā€™ve been looking up tutorials on the tube) while stuck in the house. I hope to learn a lot more from the community here and toss money at stuff people are getting rid of!


Welcome @KnottyKnight there is also a great learning section here on yoyoexpert.


Welcome home, Andy!


Hey everybody! My name is Christopher Cottonā€¦ I was born and raised in birmingham al. Iā€™m a filmmaker with a passion for yoyoing. Ive been yoyoing on and off for about 20 years. Just recently started throwing more than I ever have since Iā€™m starting to get older (almost 30), I stopped skateboarding because I cant afford to get hurt anymore, and now If Iā€™m not filming or gaming then Iā€™m yoyoing. I recently started a youtube channel and new Ig that Iā€™m going to start posting on so if you are interested in that,then my name on both is breakaway cotton. Have a blessed day everyone :slight_smile:

