Introduce Yourself!


I have been throwing off and on ever since I got my first Duncan Imperial in Jr High. My first serious yo-yo was a Yomega Raider in 98 until I got my first Bumble Bee GT.

The Raw Fusion, is my favorite unique yo-yo.
YYJ’s Black Knight, is my coolest looking yo-yo.

My go to yo-yo is my Freehand 2, but then I think I am partial to Playmaxx era body style of yo-yo’s.

I found this site when I decided to get back into yoing and found that Dave’s Skill toys was gone. So I’m not sure how far out of the loop I am. Just an example, I thought it was awesome when I found out that Evan Nagao won the Worlds. I first heard of him when I set my VCR to record him on the Tonight Show with Leno when he was 4.

I’m receiving my first YYF yo-yo’s this week. I got the ONE starter pack and the Confusion GT. I am hoping that the Confusion GT will play like the Cold Fusion. I have long since given up getting one from Ebay.

Look forward to this old dog learning some tricks and talking with everyone.


Hey @Blaidd_Drwg!

Welcome to YYE, we have a pretty good bunch here. You’ll find that there are some of us who remember Dave’s Skill Toys and some of the past forums.

Feel free to ask questions, comment, and lurk, (that’s my job, lurking mostly.) Glad you found your way here.



holy crap. Talking to and looking through the yoyo community feels like exploring relics of the past

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Hey peeps I’m Graham. I’m a relatively new thrower - was actually introduced to it by @SpyseaRice - only slightly over a year.

I got my first metal/unresponsive way too early in retrospect, about the same time I mastered the throw, but I didn’t know better at the time. (A Beboo L1 if anybody’s curious)
I’m in the same magnet program as @SpyseaRice and help him run the yoyo club there.



oof wait really? Where did I go wrong…

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Oh no it wasn’t your fault, I was just overeager to grow my collection.

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oof you should check out some topics about other’s collections. These people are insane collectors :laughing:



holy crap. Talking to and looking through the yoyo community feels like exploring relics of the past

Even though I have been out of if, it feels cool. back when I started getting active with online forums and constantly checking Ebay for yo-yo’s I never felt any connection with old yo-yo’s like old wooden Duncan’s and such.

But now when I am checking Ebay I have a connection with alot of them since I remember them being for sale on the online stores. Or at the local Kite shop remembering holding the Tom Khun SB2 in my hand but couldn’t justify at the time buying it.

Just like I’m sure there are people on here that haven’t played with a Turbo Bumble Bee GT, and I’m sure in less than 15 years from now, there will be people on here that will have never thrown a YYJ or know what “YYJ” stands for.

But one thing is for sure, lurking through this Forum I have full respect for the Yo-Yo community that I may not have had back then.


Yeah, every moment now is yoyo history in the making. I saw a yoyo documentary about a week or two ago called “World on a String”, which was about the experienced of players competing at the 2010 WYYC, which was insane. It’s weird seeing people competing in the past that make it big on the modern stages. All these archives are a real treasure.


What’s up everyone! I’m Davis, I’m 18 years old and I’ve been yoyoing since I was 9-10 (5th grade). I’m one of the co-founders of Tropic Spins (which, unlike me, didn’t survive high school). I’ve been out of the yoyoing game for a pretty long time, and I’ve recently been getting more into it as I transition from High School to college. I’m from Massachusetts, so if you live around here I’ve definitely seen you at one of the YoyoExpert Throwdowns or at NER / MA States.

I’m a CS student at UIUC (or, I will be this fall) and I can’t wait to hopefully start TSYC back up again as a nice side project. It feels good to be back in the yoyoing community after being away for so long!


Was just playing with a Shipwreck a few moments ago. Welcome back to throwing.


'Sup people. I’ve posted some, but never here.

I’m Pasi, a Finnish yoyo dude and someone who’s interested in toy making and tinkering. I’m a chemical engineer, a woodworker and a to-be machinist and have a goal of opening a small toy making shop someday, making skill toys, doll parts and whatever might be something worth making on the side of doing full time machinists job.

I’ve a dog, cat and a vet wifey as my family.
That’s pretty much me in a nutshell.


Hey guys I am Ryan. I am a chef/graphic designer and yoyo enthusist. I use to live in Northampton and thank goodness I didn’t know that is where yoyo expert was based cause I would have been poor. Currently living cooking and throwing in the DC area. Love All things on a string and look forward to being a part of the community!!!


What’s up man! Welcome welcome :slightly_smiling_face:


I am Calen I am 10 years old and my favourite yoyo is the Hummingbird. I hope you accept me in your forum. I am from Canada and I have been playing yoyo for about a 1 year now. My favorite trick is the Gyroscopic Flop. I used to read through the topics but my dad suggested I start an account so I created one.:grinning:


Sorry Calen we can’t accept you.


Also :+1: for good dad-ing.


Phew, you scared me for a second😨.


Welcome! I too am a mega fan of the Draupnir-killer.


You are right the Hummingbird is really an awesome yoyo.But I have never played the Draupnir so I don’t know which one is better.
The Hummingbird is awesome​:+1::+1::smiley:!!!


I haven’t played the Draup but have played the Valkyrie which is closer related to the Humming. I also saw that you have a Dark Plum Humming which looks amazing. : D