Introduce Yourself!

Nice to meet you, I’m on long island

I’m in woodhaven queens. I’m glad I’m back :slight_smile: I missed it! Didn’t have many ny throwers back 10 years ago lol

man im all the way in the north country

i’m August from China.I have been throwing since 2012.I cannot speak English well ,so are still practising :slight_smile:
I am now senior 2 and plan to go to a university in the US.I like clyw yoyos the best, especially the ones(arctic1 or 2) of zach.His tricks are awesome!Also i keen on making caps for the yoyos to make them looks better. I am collecting clyw now and have already owned more than thirty ones. My favourite colorways are ash berry,jack rabbit and the every berry smoothie.
I hope to make friends with you cool yoyo players. :-X

Hello everybody. Brand new to this forum and just wanted to introduce myself. Was actively yoyoing in my early teen years until about 06 and for some reason gave it up until I recently read a month ago of yoyojams closing (my all time favorite yoyo manufacturer) and I decided to pick up a couple just for nostalgia sake and throw them around a little about and now I’m HOOKED all over again learning faster than I ever had before. If your in to yoyo boom-middle 2000’s throws well get along just fine. Also, anyone have any good modern suggestions as I am very new to modern yoyos. Thanks again.


replay pro is about what you need to get into modern throws…

Hi all I’m Zach. I’m 16 and I’m from Colorado. I got back in to playing right be for last Christmas. I received a dark magic 2 (Ghost Edition) and this helped me start to get serious about playing. I just bout the Dif-e-yo Gladiator Slave MMXV and I love it. Anyways i just want to Introduce my self.


My name is Moriah. I am new with a yo yo. I practice with my yo yo in my free time.


I’m currently Producing a show for Sharp Entertainment that features children who have a passion for collecting. If you know any kids who have a sizable collection of yo-yos both male and female who would be interested in appearing on our show please ask their parents to contact me at

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Take care,
Erica Zienowicz
Sharp Entertainment | Coordinating Producer

I am Justin Jhingree and I started this hobby last year June. I love gaming and like basketball. I practice when ever I get the time. I found yoyo expert a couple of days ago. My favorite yoyoers are the magic n8 yoyo but I think when I get other ones I will like them to and the replay is also my favorite and I have other ones to. My favorite trick is kamakazie but sometimes that changes so it’s my favorite for now. Well yeah that’s all

its cool to see someone from guyana throwing… welcome.

I’m a cool dude from the yoyo-store-less state of Illinois. Been throwing for a few years now, learning only a few tricks here and there due to school and other life things. Looking to actually start learning a respectable repertoire of tricks and expand my small collection of metals. Found out about yoyoexpert from a friend. I’ve bought a werrd minute, tom Kuhn rd1, yyf bimetal superstar, yyj revival, c3 token, and a joyride from this awesome place, and I love all of them. Glad to be here.

Hey, i’m John and i am a yoyoaholic.

Actually i used to be quite an avid yoyo’er about 15 years ago when i was just still in high school, but other things took precidence (Girls, cars, hockey, girls etc). Now i am a married father of 2 and about a week ago i came across my old yoyo’s (Duncan Butterfly, Koosh ProYo, TL Cherry Bomb) and thought i would see whats changed in the world of Yoyo’ing.

Man was i taken aback to see everyone uses butterfly style yoyo’s, and Unresponsive vs Responsive…

Needless to say i have a lot of catching up to do. I cleaned up my old throws, ordered myself a Magic N12 and some new strings (they get awfully gross sitting around in a bin for 15 years) and look forward to getting back into the spin of things (HA!).

Welcome! And some day you will be teaching your kids. That is just more of the same fun.

I look forward to it! my 2 year old likes to drag around a duncan imperial that is about the size of a quarter my wife found. And the 4 year old doesn’t want to try yet, but wants to watch all the time.

Hello my name is Dan from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I used to yoyo in my younger days and was reintroduced to it when my friend’s son brought his yoyo to a Christmas party that he had just gotten. I pretty much took it from him immediately and played with it all night and bought one the next day because I had lost mine and I forgot how much I enjoy it. I did a little research and got the Shutter yoyo. I was totally new to unresponsive yo-yoing. That was last December 2015 and I’ve been practicing pretty much every night since and watching videos on youtube relentlessly driving my wife crazy. Currently working on the Matrix trick and snap returns which i can’t seem to get. Well i gotta go practice some more.

Amazing, Grownups rediscovering toys. WELCOME!

Hi there everyone. I’m Ben.
Location- Kentucky
Current throws- OD MMC, OD BM
Throwing for about 2 months. Just learning and having fun.

Welcome! and by the way, by having fun and learning you have the hard part down.

I see some names I recognize from other forums a long time ago. I used to post on a few now-dead forums and store pages many moons ago. :smiley:
My name is Jeff, and I’m 32. I’ve been yoyoing since I was in college - around 2004. My first online purchased yoyo was a newly released freehand zero. :smiley: I stopped buying them right about the time the 888 was king. Sold off what didn’t matter much to me, and kept ones that were my favorites or otherwise important to me. I’ve had some rare ones come and go. But since I’ve been back into yoyoing I am really just looking for a solid player right now. :smiley:

I’m going to worlds, and I’m looking forward to it.