Introduce Yourself!

Welcome Brady. There are a lot of great starter yoyo’s out there it just depends on your preferance. You can make a topic in the looking for help/Recommendation section and there are a lot of people on here that would be glad to help you.

I think its cool that you want to get into yoyoing because your son is into it. I wish my dad yoyoed

Greets all. I’ve been away from things for a number of years. Started to read up on all of the changes that have taken place in the looong time that I’ve been away. Things have exploded in popularity, which is great to see.

Hi! It’s nice to see some other older yoyo players here. Welcome.

Yo! everyone been on the forum awhile now but just now getting around to posting on this! XD

I started yo-yoing with my dad’s old broken dollar yoyo and eventually started to get bored when on a camping trip I learned around the world and cradle this help keep me going looking for yoyo trick books, (cause at that time all the yoyo tutorials I could find on youtube were ether too hard or low quality) after yo-yoing for a while I got a little bored of yoyo even though I had learned a lot of Kyle Vegh’s tricks at I sat on the computer and though to my self, “Hey robot dancing is cool youtube has every thing… What the heck lets see what I can find!” Since then I have learned robot dancing mostly using El tiro’s free tutorials on his site, I have since done one big performance in a talent show both yo-yoing and dancing switching between yoyo and dance and at one point I yoyo and dance at the same time! :smiley:
The performance was awesome and got comments the whole time I was there even though I got a huge knot on my first yoyo trick!!! XD my dad took the knot out so I was able to use it for the last three fourths of it! :smiley: I have had a blast yo-yoing and Dancing and never stop getting comment on both! :smiley: I think the yoyoexpert community is AWESOME and answered every question I have posted vary quickly! Thanks everyone for making yoyoexpert forum what it is today!!! :smiley:


My name is michael. I yoyo on my freetime cause its like a really advanced chinese trap. When its on my finger it does magic things. Im in california and my fingers sweat so the string gets stuck.

get a glove… also welcome to the worlds largest chinese trap… it puts itself on your finger and takes your money out of your pocket…

Hey if you have trouble with that then I would advise getting some yoyo gloves.

this will keep you yo-yoing and save your fingers of as much string burn! :smiley:

Hi im Noah im the age of 13 and found out about yoyo expert about 3 years ago when someone from yoyo factory was playing with a yoyo in a park :slight_smile:

welcome noah and enjoy the forum…

Name is kyle. Older yo yoer. Age 33 in the expert sections. Throw a regen shutter and dv888. Idk what else. I am competing this year

;D ;D Hi yoyoers. I found out about this when searching about yoyos on my search engine.

LOL welcome! :smiley:

Thats how I found it. I bet 90% of people on here heard of the site that way.

I heard about it from a friend who found it searching the web

Lol see, it’s all about that Google search.

Yea :smiley:

Hey everyone, my name is Peff and i’m pretty much here to learn more about the community. :smiley:

i’m studying to be a mechanical engineer and i should be certified in Solidworks soon. I’d love to model some yoyos while i’m here so if anyone actually wants to test my skills and make a request i’ll try to get it in between schoolwork and work.

I started yoyoing a few years ago in my sophomore year of high school, i’m now in my freshman year of college and joined the forums hoping to get back into it and meet some new people.

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its good to have you here Peff. I hope you learn alot. Welcome!

hey guys im Sean and i live in Australia i bought a yoyojam legacy 4 years ago but later got bored with it then i saw a guy called brandon vu on youtube and i started playing again im now in the advanced section of yoyo tricks and am saving up for my favourite yoyo the Irony JPX hopefully they get restocked. im currently using the yoyojam legacy. im hoping to learn some new stuff from the forums and maybe show some people some stuff.

my name is sean too!!! Brandon Vu is an aweosme yoyoer. Great to have you here. Welcome

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