Introduce Yourself!


Hi ! I am 14 years old from quebec canada and i have been yoyoing since octobre 2012 (even if i stopped 2 months after to restart 2 weeks ago) i got pretty good in two months since i only did picture tricks before i started back yoyoing and now i am starting advanced trick pt.1 .sorry if i do a lot of mispelling because english is not my prime language . hope to see you soon in da forum you who is reading this :wink: !

welcome! No problem your English looks good to me. :wink: besides there are many people around the world on the forums so you should have no problem hanging out over here!!

Hey all. My name is Luke. I live in sprawling metropolis known as Pittsburgh. I’m 35, and spent a long time getting good in my teens. We didn’t have this inter-web back then. But thanks to The Yonomicon and later (yeah, what up with that!) I was getting pretty good in my early twenties. Life took over and I would pick up every now and then, but never learn anything new. Now I have a son, and I think that yoyoing will be a great thing that I can share with him. So time to keep learning!

Welcome to the forums luke. :smiley:

Welcome everyone! And most recently Luke :slight_smile:

Hi everyone,

I’m Peter and I’m a (just turned yesterday) 36 year old who has recently renewed his interest in throwing. Right now I’m practicing on a YYF One and a dv888 responsive and starting to get into unresponsive play. I live in Michigan now but moving to Chicago in the next few weeks.

I’m pretty terrible when it comes to landing anything complicated or even intermediate sometimes, but practicing every day for a couple of hours is making me better. I hope to work my way up to bring worthy of a higher end throw like a CLYW, but I cannot justify spending that kind of dough right now when I’m about to start a new job and not even good enough to put it to good use. :slight_smile: I just acquired a (used) OD Yelets and excited to test that out.

Welcome! :smiley:

Hi I’m Eric, I like yoyos.

Welcome! I like yoyo’s too

Hi i am fer from spain and i hay some questions abouts yoyo :smiley:
I have a yyf velocity and i wish buy another better today.
Best regards.

Welcome to the forums! :smiley:

Thanks In this forums is all the information I need :smiley:

Yea there’s a lot of really helpful stuff on here

Hey fellow throwers! My name’s Christian. I’m 22 and live in Kansas City, MO. I threw as a hobby when I was around 12. I got back into it a few months ago and have been hooked!


Hey what’s up guy my name is Joe. I live in Nampa, id. I’m not new to yoyoing but I have not thrown in like 5 years. Looking for people to throw with so hit me up.

Hit up sparhawk, he lives in Boise, and for future referances this should go in the contests/clubs section. I used to live in Idaho too…

Welcome all of you new people! =D

Hi everyone, just made my YYE account earlier today and I’ve already got sucked into the forum :slight_smile: I’m from upstate New York and looking for fellow players from the region as the yoyo community seems nearly nonexistent here. I’ve been throwing for about 9 months now and consider myself an intermediate player.