Introduce Yourself!

Hey there Joey! I have done a few junior Bike races in my town. My dad used to hill climb! What’s your farthest ride on a bike

I’ve done the Rapha Gentleman’s race which was 150 grueling miles. I also ride to the beach from my house which is about 155miles each way. The long rides take a toll on you when you get older so I’m less likely to do them as often as I used to. Although I still have the goal of riding from The southern tip of Argentina to Panama one day.

Keep up the riding. It’s good for the soul.

Welcome aboard Pad.

Quite a few older guys joining, which is awesome! Next year’s old folk contest is going to be epic! Welcome everyone!

When will that be abouts?

I think you’ll be quite happy with your Dark Magic II. That’s exactly what I bought when I got back into yo-yoing a couple of months ago. I was so happy with it that I bought a H3x as my next throw.

And on the other topic, 47 here. Not quite ready for a cane, but getting there. got into yo-yoing when my oldest was going into kindergarden. We were homeschooling, and when buying the curriculum, a kid was there selling yoyos. After a long hiatus, I found my old Mag 5 star, found this site, spent some money, and am loving it again.

It just ended about a month ago, so 11 months? xD

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Niiiice, welcome. =)

Hi! From Tallahassee, FL. New to yoyoing as of a few days ago.

Actually, I played a little yoyo back in my middle school days in the 80s, when yoyos were a big fad. Nothing special … sleep, walk the dog, return …

Interestingly, I apparently learned how to throw the yoyo “correctly”, underhanded. Have no idea where, who or when I actually learned to do it! When I watched an intro video, I was surprised I was throwing it right!

My son was playing with a $3 Duncan Imperial yoyo a few days ago, and he expressed interest in learning more. I told him I had some old yoyos from my days, He was interested in seeing them, so I pulled them out of storage. One is a Duncan Butterfly, and the other is a Duncan Wheels (black with silver trim). The Wheels is in surprisingly good condition from what I remember. I estimate these yoyos about 30 years old.

Anyway, last weekend I took my son to a local store and we found a couple of fairly nice entry level yoyos. I bought a Duncan Freehand for myself, and got him a Freehand Zero.

I’m getting used to my yoyoing again, and have taught myself binding. Getting on the string about 50% of the time. Can use some more practice, but I’m happy with my accomplishment. :slight_smile: Figure I’m about ready to convert the yoyo to unresponsive, as I find myself not needing to return from the bottom very often.

Hey people I’m 15 and am not a total noob, just mostly. I just learned and whut as well as white Buddha. I have a yyf shutter(awesome) a Duncan metal drifter and I’m gonna pick up a one drop benchmark v this weekend. When I started about three months ago on a whim I was amazed at all the tricks and just kept going. I hope to learn some cool tricks and meet some cool people.

Welcome! I am a neighbor being from Panama City Area. Yes, practice and use the tutorials at this site. And I hope your son progresses.

Well, I’m Kenneth. I got into yoyo’s years ago when my dad was going through his " Mid-life Crisis " so to speak. I am now 19 going on 12 with my new DV888. Since I got the thing, I’ve been yoyoing non-stop for the first time in a long time. I have no regrets for picking up a yoyo again, for it has brought the joy of childhood back to my life… It also keeps me entertained in the barracks, not to mention the other soldiers as well :slight_smile:

Thanks Andre!!

Welcome to the forums.

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I know how boring the barracks can be. Keep your mind entertained with yoyo’ing. I wish I would have had one when I was stuck in the barracks or out on deployment.

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And thank you! /(^_^)

Hey everyone!
The names Josh but you can call me Korbzz. Everyone calls me that.
I come from the land down under AKA Australia!
I have only recently. like really recently discovered the world of yoyoing.
I am still waiting for my YoYo Factory DV888 and Grind Machine in the mail haha.
I watched a whole bunch of vids on youtube and other sites and just became extremely inspired!
So here i am, introducing myself on possible the best yoyoing website.
Thanks for reading. Hit me up if you wanna be friends.


Welcome! You’ve come to the right place to learn and make yoyo friends. =)

Hehe, you’re progressing pretty nicely if you’re up to those tricks. The shutter is fantastic, eh? Welcome!