Introduce Yourself!

Hi, my name is Catfish. I’m a music teacher and a hobbyist. Slacklining, Unicycle, archery, skating, building, snowboarding, it goes on.

I started throwing about 6 months ago. Inspired by Augie Fash. He’s just a cool, salt of the earth dude.

Right now I’m interested in One Drop Burnsides. If you can help me find one, let me know.

hi my name is kobi
i started playing like 7 months ago
in my birthday
my first yoyo is yomega fireball
than i bought dark magic 2
and few days ago i finally ordered code 1 and now im playing with it
its really awesome and its my favorite for now
favorite trick suicide or my own combo
im starting with a simple trick like cold fusion or metrix than im doing a suicide and than jade whip

My name is Toby, I’m 15 years old and I’ve been yoyoing for about 4 months now, but I think I’m making pretty good progress for that amount of time. (learned double wrist whips yesterday) Right now I’m throwing a YYF Whip but I will be getting either a Northstar or maybe even a Catalyst soon. I really enjoy yoyoing, especially that sense of accomplishment that comes with learning a new trick. My other hobbies include playing the violin, building model/high powered rockets, and skateboarding.

Hello, my name is Miguel. I started yoyo ing a few years back then stopped after a few months. I have recently became interested again. I get better everyday but still consult my friends for yoyo advice. My favorite yoyo so far is the glow die nasty because it’s the only yoyo i have so far but plan to get a metal or high performance plastic soon.

Hey! My name is Cody Rislund and I live in Payson, Arizona. If any of you know YORYAN I am from the same town as him. He and I are in the same team in our town witch happens to be Team EXYO.I mainly deal with technical yoyo tricks. I don’t really have a favorite yoyo player but if I had to choose one I would say Augie Fash. Check out the video section to see some of my tricks :smiley:


Been throwing for about 3ish years and I’ve finally got around to joining the forum! My favourite throw is the Flying V, its got everything I like: slim, smooth and comes with a thin bearing for when I’m feeling responsive. A close second fave is my shuriken, been throwing this for a long time and I take it with me everywhere. I’m currently on a working holiday in New Zealand, hopefully be here for a year. The hardest thing to do was to leave my yoyo collection behind at home, although I still found space in my luggage for seven throws!

Fav trick is probably skin the gerbil into kwijibo.

Hello. I’m just reinvigorating my yoyo involvement after about a year and a half break. I found my way to yoyo expert after discovering that other place had fallen on hard times. I started to yoyo as a youngster with my grandmothers snoopy yoyo. Then i got a yomega brain with my paperroute money. Then I found Duncan freehand yoyos at our local department store and was blown away! I got a bit more enthusiastic and later bought an 888… Then a lot of others… I live in Alaska where indoor activities are important. I have five sons who I hope fall into a state of yo, and my wife is a good thrower too!
Throwers who have inspired me are ( in chronological order):
Tommy smothers
Steve brown
Andre Bouley
R.V. Houdini monson
Vasek kroutil
Guy wright
And the freezing fingers yoyo club
I have a wide assortment of throws including yoyojams, yoyofactory, throwdown, 3yo3, broken yoyos, duncan, born crucial, alchemy, etc…


Hi , my name is frederik
i’m from germany and play yoyo for 1,5 jears :smiley:
errmm i dont know what i can about me
so when you have questions , send me a message :wink:

Hey guys my name is Kyle, I love yoyoing.I just picked it up again about 3 months ago starting with a YYJ hitman pro, then a month later or so i bought a YYF superstar and I love it. Im 24, back when I was in middle school it was a fad to yoyo and I loved it then and bought the bumblebee, awesome yoyo at the time. Then my dog chewed it a year later or so haha. Any way my fav trick right now is cold fusion and buddhas revenge, I just learned them ;D I would like to find out if there are any fellow yoyoers in the area also.

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Hi I’m Daniel my fav. trick is Brent stole my fav. yoyo is Cascade by one drop. With luck next year i’ll be in minnesota’s yoyoing contest.

Hi im Jake but call me Johnson. iv been on the forums for a while but never formally introduced myself. my favorite yoyo is hspins NVx. and favorite trick is and whut. Been Yoyoing since last December and im competing in Il state sport freeystyle. any other Chicago land throwers?

hi i’m Andy… actually had a yye account a few years ago… but somehow i forgot it… :stuck_out_tongue:
so i just make a new one… nice to meet ya’ll

Hai! My name is Dmitri and I have gotten seriously addicted to yo-yos. The only yoyo I owned was Tom Kuhn’s SB2 which used up all the money I saved in 7 months, and I lost the bearing to the yo-yo a couple weeks ago so I have no yoyo to use :(. Since my family is quite poor, I could not afford any spare parts, and I am stuck with my addiction and no yo-yo.
I was looking around on this website, when I noticed the Werrd Hour and I fell in love with it. I am now saving every penny I can to buy it, and I am getting more and more excited each day about it! I will announce (even if no one cares :D) when I buy the Werrd Hour, but till then good luck yoyoing everyone!

Hi my name is Sam. I’m was never good at sports or that kind of stuff so I was pretty much an outcast with no talent. But in 5th grade, I found the yoyo. And it’s been my obsession ever since. I’ve yoyoed every day for the past 4 years and I don’t plan on stopping now. My best yoyos out of 37 are the spyy Solaris, spyy pro, and yyf yuuksta

Im near Chicago. Do you go to the club meetings?

Name : Jerome Malazo

Nickname : None!

Age : 12 Years old

Country : Philippines

Nationality : Pilipino :))

Favorite Yoyo : Many to mention, But there is number one, ECHO!

Started playing yoyo : A months ago

Favorite Players : Hank Freeman, Jack Ringa, Brandon Jackson, Janos Karancz, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Isaac Sams, Andre Boulay, Miguel Correa, Buko of Japan, Sean Perez, Gentry Stein, Drew Tetz, Ben Conde, Paul Murillo, Edmund San Antonio, Bryan Figueroa, Zach Gormley, Takeshi Kimisato, Mark McBride, Firdaus, Ian Poh and many more :))

kamusta ka na po?

I’m Tautvydas from Kaunas, Lithuania. I have been playing with yo-yo’s for more than a year and a half or so. I first got really interested in them when I found my childhood yo-yo (coca-cola one or something) in the wardrobe. I played with it so much that I broke it to pieces ;D

I have been hooked ever since.

Though not being confident that I could pull off any of the tricks I just played with it in any way I could imagine and do it. After half a year or more I decided to look what tricks I could learn, found out I had discovered most of the beginner tricks myself! ;D

Right now I have six yo-yo’s (4 different), but here in Lithuania there are extremely few choices for yo-yo’s and even fewer places to find them or strings for them. I play with an over-used Duncan Reflex. It is a modified yo-yo resembling the butterfly and originally would auto-return making it very difficult to perform sleeping and tricks associated with it, but eventually I got it to work for me :smiley:

Yup, we just had this months meeting on Saturday. We aren’t having one for november, but thats because of IL States. Here is a link to the clubs FB page.

We’re also having a custom yoyo made for the club.

My name is Gary. I’m an L.A. native living in northern california. Started throwing in 1999 with
a few yomega and playmaxx yo-yo’s, and two VHS tutorial cassettes (Dennis Mcbride). 6 month’s ago i bought a $20
unresponsive yo-yo, and with the help of many great video’s i’ve come a long way!! Recently have
purchased a handful of quality plastic’s, 2 DV888’s,and my 1st full size metal (capless) coming soon…

Looking forward to interacting here on yo-yo expert as my passion for this wonderful toy grow’s…