Hello folks! I’ve been at this yoyoing thing for a while but I am new to the board. I certainly love the shop so I can only assume the board is going to be equally great!
A few things about me:
Name: Ben Hafner
Temp Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Original Location: Indianapolis, USA
Hobbies: Guitar playing, running, computer games, mountain and road biking, and of course yoyoing
Favorite Sport(s): Football (International), Football (American), Basketball
Favorite TV Show(s): Scrubs ftw
Favorite PC Game(s): Starcraft!!, Borderlands, Diablo series, Elder Scrolls
Hardest trick you can perform: around the world! totally epic…
Favorite Food: Cheeseburger… why complicate life when a nice slab of beef with som cheese onions and bread is enough to make me happy!
Hey I am Nathaniel, I am an intermediate yoyoer. I have learned tricks such as spirit bomb, gyroscopic flop, and buddhas revenge. My favorite yoyoers are Hiroyuki Suzuki, Adrien La, and Andre boulay. I have joined the forum to interact with yoyoers alike .
Hello I am Abulrub,
I got interested in yoyoing when i saw my cousin playing in yoyo, he was showing off in front of me. i went to the internet trying to learn some trick just to get along with him when i see him again. what i found were contests and championships, i liked the game and got a very basic yoyo, i got enthusiastic and ordered a DM 1 (i meant to buy DM2 but as a newbie didn’t know there were 2 versions and made the mistake). anyhow that was back in 2009. i got frustrated at the point where i couldn’t do straight throws. left in the closet for this year when i started yoyoing againg two months ago. a while my DM1 was stolen ( i wanted to give it to my cousin !!), i got my Werrd Hour it plays nice and here i am going again in the intermediate level. always wondering about the average time of mastering a trick.
I love it although it gives me some hard times frustrated.
Hello all! New to the forums here and I just figured I’d introduce myself.
Name: Eddie Maloid
Age: 24
Currently living in: Palmer, Alaska
Favored Style of play: 1A
Favorite Throw (In Collection): SPYY Addiction 2
Wishlist/ “To Buy” list: “Here We Yo” Superstar, Champions G-Funk, SPYY Spyder 2, G-Squared Nessie (Gotham Colorway).
Favorite Movies: Talladega Nights, Coraline, The Devil Wears Prada, Made of Honor
Favorite TV Shows: Castle, NCIS, Iron Chef America, Chopped, American Ninja Warrior
Favorite Games: Borderlands 2, Uncharted 3, Diablo 3, Shatter, Super Meat Boy
Despite the relatively low population of throwers in Alaska, I’m still throwing strong. Any other players in Alaska? PM me so we can figure something out to get together and throw!
Erm… Hi there? xD I’m a yoyo player whos been playing for about 1.5 years. I like speed/slack/laceration and body tricks. I use C3 yoyodesign yoyo’s only pretty much. My favourite throw is Berserker next is Trident followed by Winning Bird. I’ve entered AP this year, although I didnt do so well but it was my first competition. If you havent guessed I’m hoping to be sponsored by C3yoyodesign one day and join them. So yeah… Thanks for Reading XD
my name is Björn, age 46 and I’m from Germany. Inspired by my youngest son, I came to throw yoyos (in a rough-and-ready manner, but I do my best to learn tricks ;D).
For a long time my favorite skill-toys were stunt kites (especially self-inflating wings, which I’ve constructed and build by my own). Now I’m infected by the ‘yoyo-virus’ too
Hello, my name’s Austin. I’m an Oregon yo-yoer and I’m new to the yo-yo scene. I spontaneously decided to start playing and I love it. I’m hoping to eventually get good. Until then I’ll keep working at it.
oh, I guess I should tell you guys more about me:
I’ll be 20 come October 30, Im a college student studying electical engineering. I freeline skate (you should reallllly looke up freeline skates ).
I’m actually pretty new to yoyoing. I have had some random toys r us yoyos when I was much younger (of course they broke…) but now I want to really get back into yoyos. So Im pretty pumped up about what I bought I look forward to using the videos and post on this forum to get better at yoyoing I think I covered all the bases on the this introduction :3
Hello all! The name is Luke, and have been an avid YoYo-er for around a year and a half. I am 15 years old, and admire the hobby with much devotion. I devote at least 1-2 hours of each day to it. My collection is puny, with a couple of Magic Yo’s and one Spyy, but I am an avid believer that nobody needs a triple-digit yoyo to have fun with the sport.
This is quite late (1.5 years, to be exact ;D), but I’ll introduce myself anyway.
I’m from Western Pennsylvania. An hour north of Pittsburgh to be exact. I’ve been yo-yoing for 2 years. At the time of this post, I’m a Freshman in High School. I’m in the school marching band. I enjoy to yo-yo, play Minecraft, and learn new things. My divisions are 1A, but I plan to learn 4A and 5A in the near future. I’m advanced, but not competition ready (IMO, of course). I enjoy tricks that are slow and have lots of slacks and whips in them.
i yo-yo alot my dad thinks it’s annoying i usauly yo-yo about 4 or 5 hours a day i’m in online school so i have alot of free time i use a yomega mavrick and a yomega dash with a dif e yo kone kave bearing i can do most intermediate tricks havent been able to do double or nothing correctly idk much else to say about my self
My name is Joe and i just starting Yoing about 3 weeks ago when my friend reintroduced it to me. I’m currently throwing a Maverick which has been great. i work 7 days a week so i only get to throw about 1-2 hours m-f but Saturday and Sunday I get to throw about 6 hours at work! I’ve been cruising through the learn section of the site. Working on Advanced Part 1 right now. My favourite trick so far is the Mach 5. I really wish I would have found out about Yo-Yo tricks when my dad got me a Yomega when i was 10. I could sleep but I thought that was all you could do. O well, here I am 15 years later throwing my heart out!