Introduce Yourself!

Hi! My name is Scott. I’m a 50-something guy who lives on Canada’s west coast (Vancouver Island to be exact). I found a box of old yoyos while cleaning, and it sparked an old interest- I’m coming back to this after a number of years! I’m a doctor by trade, I work with kids and eventually I would love to introduce some of my more troubled youth to the joy of this hobby. In the meantime, I’m practicing, practicing, practicing… I’ve learned how to handle an unresponsive yoyo for the most part, and I’m working on intermediate tricks. I’m stuck on ripcord! Anyways- I splurged and bought a few nice yoyos as we’ve enjoyed a good exchange rate- I know from all the posts that I’m probably way ahead of myself by doing this, but wow! throwing a nice yoyo like the oxy 5 or phenom is intoxicating! I practice with a legacy, dark magic or grind machine. I’ve also bought a loop 900 (haven’t really worked on looping yet) and a fiesta, just to get a taste of off- string stuff. Glad to be here and hope to be an active member of this forum! Scott

Yo! My name is Jerry. My Yo name is Papa Yo. I started yoing at age 10 with the Cheerio yo-yo - with which I won the Dallad/Ft. Worth Championship in 1949. I gravitated to the Duncan yo-yo in the early 50’s and won many contests - the prize in 2 of them was a Schwinn bicycle. In 1953 I joined the Air Force and my yoing pretty much stopped. I was married in 1959 and only occasionally pick up a yo-yo. It wasn’t umtil 1994 that I came back to yoing more ardently - mainly due to the fact my son was heavily involved in yoing and my grandson was close behind him. I bought the Tom Kuhn set which included the Silver Bullet 2, the Sleep Machine, the 3-n-1 and 2 other yo-yo’s. I participated in thr 1997 World Championship in Pittburg, Pa and attended the Nationals in Chico, CA in 1998. Most of the time I was out of the loop living in the Caribbean for many years. I have done a few paid performances at a hobby shop in Atlanta and a Grand opening at a McDonalds in St. Pete, FL in 2001 - along with many performances in schools and churches, which is mainly what I do today. I met and became friends with Dale Oliver and began using and selling the Technics by Spintastics. I first learned of YoYo Expert several years ago when I purchased my first Dark Magic- which I still have. I have over 400 yo-yo’s now - Wow! What a change. I am now 75 years old and I
still love to yo-yo. My favorite trick is the Atom Smasher.

Hello. My Name is Ahmed Abdelnabi
Iam Egyption , I am 16 Years old
Here Yoyo is Not a National Game , from all the People I know Iam the only person who play Yoyo.
I Have A Yoyo but it’s Responsive and it’s axes is fixed, so i can’t do lots of tricks as this yoyo is bad
but i like The Dark Magic 2 Yoyo, Iam searching all over Egypt in all stores to buy one,
My best tricks are Split the atom - The Matrix - Cold fusion , I need a better yoyo to perform expert and master tricks.
I found the website while i was searching on the youtube for vedioes to learn yoyo tricks.

You can do cold fusion on a fixed axel? Oh, if you get a dark magic you’ll love it compared to a fixed axel. You are good

Hello,My name is Nalin Singh and Im a yoyoer.I am currently intermediatte but hope to increase my skill and work my way up to Professional.I want to upload trick videos on youtube and share my tricks with the community when I have the skill.I currently own a YYF Starlite and A Duncan Raptor.I hope to make good friends through YYE Forum Cheeers! ;D

Hello I’m Hernan, 14 years old. I’ve been spinning since last two weeks and I currently use a YYF Plastic Grind Machine.

Hello everyone, my name is jockrobin, and i find the yoyo expert by the chance online. I was glad to find so many friends. I got my the new blue and white porcelain craft a few days ago and I love it so much.

Hello everyone. My name is James. Im 23 and I live in LA. Havent used a yoyo since I was about 9 or 10. lol. Been doing it for about 2 weeks now and its proving to be quite a fun hobby.

Welcome everybody! I am glad you are enjoying the yoyoing sport!

Hello my name is Mitch. I am 19. I recently switched to YYE when YYN randomly disapeared.
Boring Life Story: I yoyo’d in elementary school with a Yomega K9 I got from McDonalds ::). I stopped yoyoing when my sister got sand in the brain a few months later. I started again in middle school when i found a YoYoJam Patriot in a Geocache box(weird gps treasure hunt thing) in the Forrest behind my house. I got back into it for about 2 months, but lost the Patriot. Then Sophomore year I randomly bought my friends old Duncan Flying Squirrel for like $6. I got bored of it in about an hour, and quit. I found the DFS while rummaging through an old junk drawer this July. I started again and got hooked. I am still not very good, but i am getting better.

Welcome everyone! This is a great forum with lots of helpful information, people and encouragement. So you’re in the right place.


Hello everyone! My name is Dylan, I’m from Tucson, Arizona. I’m 22, and still pretty new at yoyoing. A buddy of mine, who should be on here somewhere, started me on yoyoing a couple years ago but then we kind of just dropped it because of school, but we are picking it back up as soon as possible! We just ordered some Hours and are really psyched for when they come in. Hope to be hearing from all of you!

Hey, I’m 21 been yoyoing since 7th grade, I joined the Marines after highschool, and sorta stopped throwing, it became an off time stress.reliever rather than my daily life, needless to say I haven’t competed since…2009? That sounds right, I am currently throwing the dv888 the first version, and the hspin pyro first edition… I love yoyoing, and my wife hates it Haha, but she hates mostly anything I like anyways, and who asked her right?

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Hi All

from Italy, old yoyoer with a huge gap time not yoyoing or collectioning.
A lot of things changed from these old times…in better it seems. :smiley:

I’m looking from new technical yoyos and improve my “rusty tricks”.

thanks to the Forum… !!! and CIAO

Welcome everyone!

You will have a great time on the forums! :slight_smile:

Hello from Russia!

hello my name is firdausi. i’m from MALAYSIA. i actually have difficulty of choosing a suitable yoyo for me. i love this site because it have all information abaut yoyo .

Hi All My name is Guy. I live near Port Huron Michigan.

Actualy I’m a wood turner I see you others here also. I came here primarialy looking for spinning tops. Yo yo’s are fun to turn also.
I’m a retired electrician. Old, Fat n Ugly. But… What am I gonna do at 60 years old. I could go on a diet but then I’d still be old and ugly. :’(

are you sponsered by aero yo?

Name- Jay ( JJ)
Country- USA
Currant YoYo- Grind Machine
Favorite Trick- trapeze
Time YoYoing- 4months
Time Each Day- 2 hrs