Here’s tons of frontstyle…
Hey, congrats on being sober and welcome! As someone who struggled for years to get to a point to be able to say that, its an amazing accomplishment and something to be proud of.
Yoyoing can be a great distraction when cravings hit, and something else to focus on instead of using.
Hey all, happy to be here. My name is Aaron, I’m in Indy. Been throwing for a few months consistently now. We have a good group meeting up regularly in the Indianapolis area.
I have a small collection, but my favorite is the c3 Dino in the wild that I just got as a reward for learning dna.
I would really love to add a motion parallel to my collection if anyone has any leads or would be willing to part with one, I’d be eternally grateful.
Outside of yoyo I like to ride electric unicycle, am somewhat of a serious gamer, and licensed massage therapist. Happy throwing!
Welcome aboard! I have nothing but great things to say of this fine community and I think you’ll enjoy it here! Riding electric unicycle sounds really impressive! I think I’d end up in the hospital . Happy throwing
i can ride a regular one! one of the toughest things I’ve ever learned for sure. alsoni never got the rocking in place very well so i mostly just kept moving
That’s a heck of a reward for doing the DNA.
I’ve not tried the Dino in the Wild but there’s definitely good things being said about it. Welcome!!
Hey man, I think I have been chatting with you on skill addicts (I’m yoyobuddy on there), welcome to YYE!
Hey! I promise I’ll be a lot less salty here
It’s a cool app, but man does it have its drawbacks lolol
I’m gonna stall out on there soon anyways. I haven’t been able to hit black hops yet so I’m sure I will be stuck there for a minute. I think for now I’ll just do one trick a day to drag it out
Yeah I have started to just take my time and polish whatever trick I am at and I eventually post up a clean take that looks nice. Finally earned enough pills to order the spin top, so now I’m focusing on the Trick a Week and Fixed axle Feb stuff here.
Also Jake of G2Squared has started an Average Throws Club challenge that I have been working on, so I’m kinda of all “learn this trick”’d out at the moment
@LordKingOf i started wind and truth and didn’t remember what was going on so i’m going back through again. almost done with way of kings. branden sanderson is a terrific writer!
@Saltboi nothing unfortunate about being sober. i’m on that path myself. just 7 months in but it’s the most important thing in my life now. one day at a time, brother. if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to reach out
@MulberryWombat D.I.Wild is an amazing throw! What game(s) do you play?
@mikeydoe once upon a time I was a top 1% halo infinite ranked player. These days I’ve been playing path of exile, finishing up Indiana Jones while waiting for Monster Hunter Wilds.
Hey all, I’m Anthony and I’ve been a string junkie for years. Kites(I do sport kite demos and big show kites for a few festivals), was into control line planes but now into RC and of course YoYos.
Got into yo-yo’s as a kid with a Tom Kuhn designed Smothers Brothers 2a set and been throwing off and on ever since. Stepped away for a while but got the bug back after finding all my old throws in a box in my parents garage.
It’s funny when I see what has changed in Yoyo tech. High tech when I stopped was sleeved axels and the Yomega brain. I don’t think bearings were in use yet and everything was responsive. It’s a different game now but enjoying the new challenges.
Welcome to the forum. Check out Fixed Axle February for some fun and contests.
Whether it’s one day, one month, one year or one decade, it’s still something to be celebrated.
Congrats on 7 months.
Thanks for having me! I started yo-yoing in 1998 in Oregon. Like many others, I was in aw of what Sector Y was putting up. Gabriel Lozano and Doctor Popular are my two biggest influences. I got to meet all my heroes at Nationals 2002 and 2004. I love 1A both responsive and unresponsive. Lately for unresponsive I use my D.I.Y. by Doctor Popular. And for responsive I use the newer Freehand Zero. I also love fixed axle style, for that I tend to use a Manta Ray or a Bunny Martin. I consider yo-yo tricks to be an art form. Each trick or combo is like a painting. So I often gravitate towards repeating tricks that let the player and audiences minds rest into the flowing patterns. Growing up watching Gabriel Lozano gave me a strong preference for flowing style. I post a lot of my own tricks, and pay homage to other players tricks at Joseph Stromme (@josephstromme) • Instagram photos and videos
Hey! You made it! Welcome brother!!!
Thanks for the invite!