Introduce Yourself! 2025

Hi all! Started throwing when I was a kid, Yomega firestorm from McDonalds was my jam back then, but had to take a 23 year long break due to other interests preteen boys tend to get occupied with.

Aged to a fine 33 years now. During the fall last year I became a father and without much time for hobbies that I couldn’t quickly toss in my pocket.

My mother in law randomly gave me a $1 light up yoyo during my time off and after a few sleepless nights I had ordered a MYY V12, been throwing every day since and added several throws to my collection.

I’m a remarkably average player love learning new tricks & doing maintenance. Recently learned the Monty Twist and have been having fun learning GT tricks. Also recently got into modern responsive which I absolutely love.

My favorite yoyo(s) I can’t pick one is the YYFr Koi, G2 Loadout, and the CLYW Ditch (stupidly rewarding when I can land a new trick on this one)

For responsive, the Butterfly XT is my jam, but will be upgraded by the Weekender in the mail.

Outside of fatherhood, work, and throwing, I read entirely too much fantasy and sci-fi. I have entirely too many hobbies and I’m good at exactly none of them.



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Welcome. :slight_smile:

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Welcome :slight_smile: McDonalds Yomega, awesome.

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Welcome! Read any Sanderson by chance?


I think I’ve heard of him, my car is programmed to say “Hello! Would you like to destroy some evil today?”

I really enjoy his books, I’ve read almost everything in the cosmere, except for Wind and Truth, currently reading that one


Nice! I just started reading his stuff with Mistborn and am on Hero of Ages. Really loving it so far!!


Mistborn was where I started, fantastic series!

If you like his writing I highly recommend Warbreaker, it’s my favorite of his


Welcome! Tired dads with yo-yos unite!



Welcome aboard! I think you will enjoy your time here, I have a similar back story and have recently taken the hobby back up myself. Happy throwing!! :yo-yo: And hope to see you around!

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Hellooooo! I am SenatorP and I’ve yoyoed for like a year and I’m mediocre at worst lol. The trick Im working on is Multifarious Whip. @HappyYoyoer and @GamyWamy got me into it, and onto Forums. Cya.




Welcome to the group SenatorP, it’s a great community! :smiley: :v: :yo-yo:

Hey! I used to yoyo from 4th grade up to 6th grade, im a sophomore now and getting back into it cuz im sober(unfortunate reality, I doubt this is the place to discuss that journey tho) I have all my old yoyos thankfully and just bought myself a brand new replay pro (sum jerk stole my old green limited edition one) weirdly enough my favorite throw as of late is the snack by recess. I kinda wish there was a full size version cuz this lil thing is amazing! I’m also using my old dinged up shutter alot since im confident it can handle all my old and new tricks. I’m currently working on my front style alot since I neglected to learn it back in the day. I’m hoping to find out more about ohios local scene and meet other yoyoers on here! much love, stay safe everybody!


Welcome to the Forums!

I’m not sure what the scene is like in Ohio, but I think Duncan is located there!


Welcome!! Good luck on the front style, I have been trying a smooth Nanda Kanda for a while now myself.

I literally just tried a Shutter for the first time today, it’s a solid, capable throw for sure.

I haven’t thrown a Snack, but I love my Joy Ride! I have an OG Joy Ride, I would say it’s like a more organic-ish but still slightly H-ish shutter with more rim weight? They seem kinda similar, but definitely different. Recess is awesome.

Anyway, welcome!!!


You say this, but then you’ll be throwing breakaways and before long it’s “All side throws, all day, every day” and you’ll leave us

They always do

I joke, of course! Welcome to the forum! Happy to make your acquaintance! :tada:


lollll I fell into that back in the day, i know plenty of side tricks but its getting repetitive, completing a front style speed combo series rn. Thanks for the warm welcome!