Introduce Yourself! 2024

Friends? Ooohhh those people I had in midddle school? I think I rememver those! :smile:


Who knows, I probably will mate!

Hey trevor! I see that your new here! Welcome! Forums is a great place to meet new yoyers and get new ideas everyday. Forums is the only reason why I still yoyoing the way I am right now. Also, if your having trouble finding a meetup or competitions, there are plenty of places to go if you just check forums, and again, welcome!


Hey guys

Thank you so much Marco!


Wait Marco you’re 13???


My yoyos and spin tops are my only friends at 38yrs,they even have names lol.we vibe well when dancing,good times!


How is everyone doing on this fine day? Have you learned any new tricks?

Trying not to learn them today. Waiting for them to go Live tomorrow.

Friendo’s everywhere

Nope :skull:

My name is Nathan Navarro or “NavarrYo” on my socials.

I was introduced to yoyoing when demonstrators came to my elementary school (to this day i have no idea who they were)

Learned my basics in middle school (2004) then never really touched a yoyo again until 2022.
Since then ive been obsessed and wanting to learn and interact others in the community.

I run a youtube channel where i did reviews but slowly turned to mostly tutorials.

Pre yoyoing i was pursuing pro skateboarding and in doing that i learned graphic design and went to school for audio/video production. I just really like filming and editing so making skate or yoyo content never felt like a chore.

Im currently slowing making a step onto the competitive stage and it has been a blast.

I hope to get a chance to talk with more of you!




Yo welcome to the forums! I’m running the trick a week thread this year with @digitalcharlie . We learned your dgt trick last week hah!

You can check out the thread here

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Dude yeah! I just learned about that from one of my YT regulars jason told me about it haha so i figured id join and get connected! Stoked! Thanks for featuring my trick. Hope it was a fun one!


Welcome aboard!

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Honestly the thing that made me choose it in the end vs another one of your tutorials was the name. Word play in trick names is way too rare.

Indeed, welcome. And, apparently, thank you…for the contributions you’ve already made to the community at large. It’s awesome that you’ve decided to join us here.

Hi! I just got my first yoyo about a month ago. I use the sage yoyo redesign, and it’s been working great! I’ve mastered a few picture tricks and currently working on the man on the flying trapeze. @Slestak75 was very helpful.


Welcome to the Forums and the wonderful world of yoyos!