Introduce Yourself! 2024

Wondering where the DFW club meets. It’s quite a distance from my place in west Fort Worth to most of Dallas. Maybe it’s in between?


Whoops, found the FB Page and the club meets 36 miles across some busy territory. Will have to think about it.


Hey @Tommy2! We have been meeting lately at the Flower Mound Public Library which is fairly in the middle between Dallas and Fort Worth, but we’ve also been considering doing some meets in Fort Worth so stay tuned! You can keep up to date on the FB page you found or on this thread on YYE!

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Just realized I never introduced myself, just kind of started talking and here we are

My name is Cake, and for all intents and purposes it is my legal name.

My yoyo journey began in elementary when the YoTricks crew came to my school and performed. I was so excited to try a new hobby, and I begged my mom for money to buy a Yomega Spectrum. I ended up getting one, and I had a blast with yo-yos for about a year. Trapezes weren’t a thought in my mind, my most impressive trick was doing Jamaican flag before my new Yomega Brain snapped up at me, and all my joy came from moving around a little plastic thing that came back.

Fast forward to a year and some months ago (might even be 2 at this point), where i was sorting out my closet and found my old yo-yos. I thought i could use a new hobby and bought a Fizz from YoTricks. I messed around with that for a semester of school and dropped it around spring since i didn’t know what else to do besides basic mounts. I picked it up again around May of last year, and keeping some of the muscle memory, i blazed past responsive play and began my unresponsive journey with a YoTricks Sage. I grinded out some tricks over the summer, took a chance and went to Nationals, and I was hooked.

Now I’m here, checking the forums often, participating in chatrooms, and window shopping yo-yos I can’t buy almost every day. What a good parasite this hobby is. Thanks for reading :3


Finally I had no idea who you where all this time.


Right?? I mean….who are you???Who am I??? Who are any of us, really??

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Lol How’s it hangin Cake?


have fun


Hi, I am inquiring for a very specific topic. Do you know any articles or books I can pick up about the Simulation Theory? I’ve been looking everywhere and I can’t find anything. Also, do you know any other books by Homer than the Odyssey? I want to see some of his other works that have been published.

Not written, but there was a Documentary on it. I believe 4 episodes, starts with the “Matrix” if I recall correctly.

The Illiad is the only other work Mr. Homer has. Maybe check that out?

Thank you for the recommendations. I will try to find the book and maybe I will find the Documentary.

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Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself!


I’m a weirdo middle schooler who is a yoyo champion in training, first chair trumpet player, lover of all anime (mostly Demon Slayer), and a kid who loves to see people smile! My pet peeves are people that are annoying, people who chew with their mouth open, and people who ship Tanjiro and Nezuko. (JUST WHY???)

I started my proyo journey 7 months ago and my favorite yoyo is the godspeed yoyo!


Random question: If someone paid you 3 million dollars, would you throw your most expensive yoyo off a 300-story building?


Hey, for that much money, I’d start my own yoyo business

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Not strictly “Simulation” theory, but I believe pretty related, The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
I think, technically speaking this is more of an abstraction of simulation, like the layer underneath. Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with any books that deal specifically with Simulation Theory, as in, people are actually all jacked into cyberspace, for lack of a better word


The Matrix movies are a pretty decent introduction, but I wouldn’t take them for gospel. It is still a movie series to generate revenue. I think about the biggest thing the movie gets wrong, despite protest from the directors/writers, is that human beings are being turned into batteries, instead of being used as processors, but I digress.

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Why is someone giving me 3 m- Oh, there it goes


yes of course. 3 million buys a lot of really expensive replacements.

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Seems good. Might look for this piece of media.

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Mate, for 3 million dollars I gonna throw even myself with my yoyo off a building and be sure I gonna do also couple of backflips and tricks to make the person spending those 3 millions worth every cent!