Introduce Yourself! 2024

Hey All!

Haven’t done this in awhile!

I’m BobParty! I’m from St Augustine Fl, love Bass fishing, and knitting when I’m not throwing ( I know, a super weird combination ).

I yo-yo’d a lot in Middle School in the 90’s and picked it back up again when my daughter brought a Duncan home from school. Forgot how much I loved it.

I’m an Exec at a large company, and it’s funny to me to think that everyone thinks I’m a straight laced, no nonsense guy when I’m throwing between meetings and knitting sweaters at night hahahaha.

Great community here, met lots of great people and hope to get to know everyone better in 2024!


If it makes you feel any better…I never once imagined you as a stuffy ole executive…:rofl:

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Welcome to the Forums! LOL


Hahaha. Y’all know the real me. Mask off baby!!!


I’m also a business boy working as a director level corporate shill during the day but a yoyo fiend in the shadows. I get it


We should make a corporate yo-yo group lol


Welcome back from the 90s man! Same here.

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Love the profile pic! That was my first throw!!!

Same man, I had both the red and the blue one. Now I have both again so life is good!

What’s up, haven’t yoyoed since the early 2010s, if that. Getting back into it since I’m an adult now and can buy whatever I want :cowboy_hat_face:


Cool! Welcome back to the hobby and welcome to the forums!


Hello! My name is Ryan. I started throwing around 6 months ago but only recently joined this site and the discord. Currently I’m throwing CLYW’s wish.

I think the thing that intrigues me most about throwing is the concept of flow with the yoyo. When I got the Matrix down was when it really clicked for me so I’ve been looking for other repeater tricks like superflow etc to learn. Luckily I stumbled upon Tsukasa Takatsu’s youtube channel with his hundreds of repeaters so I think I’m set for life on those :sweat_smile:
I’ve also set my ultimate yoyo goal to learn all the “Legendary” tricks on his channel as well.

It’s cool seeing a lot of musicians in here. I used to play the cello from elementary through high school and still bust it out form time to time now. I think theres a lot of similarities between playing an instrument and throwing. Theres both a physical skill/muscle memory component as well as a self expression component to both. I remember that I really leveled up on my cello when I started spending around 30min a day just practicing scales before moving on to musical pieces. So I’ve been wondering, what are the “scales” of yoyo tricks?


Yo I love this question. In 1a for me, it’s gotta be at least black hops and a generic rail combo. I’m certain there are more, but those two things really feel like they have a mechanical monotony, similar to scales.


Hey guys,

I’m James, but most people call me Big Jesus(long hair & beard).

I’m not new to the Yoyoexpert website, but I am to the forums. Mainly gonna be in the B/S/T category.
I’ve been collecting throws since 6th grade and am still collecting them! Glad this website is still active with many people discussing this interesting hobby. :blush:


Welcome to the forum.


Heyo, finally decided to make an account. I don’t typically interact much online, but I hope I can start.

The name’s Ben, I’m in Utah and I’ve been playing off and on since 2008.


Welcome Ben.


Welcome Ben. This place is literally the only place I have any online interaction, so I understand. This is a pretty good bunch.


Welcome Ben!


New here. My name is Rob. Came across one of my old Yo-yos recently and the interest sparked back up.