Introduce Yourself! 2024

Welcome. :smiley:

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Welcome aboard! What is that yoyo? We love photos here!

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Thank you. I’ll see if I can get a pic. Prepare to be underwhelmed


It shall galvanize my retinas and dazzle on my computer screen.

this is replying to 112Buck

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It’s old and barely used. Never learned a lot with it. I like the bearing ones available now and am hoping to learn a few tricks.


Very cool, classic Hummingbird from the early 90s. Wood is good! Welcome!


Hey everyone I’ve been throwing for around 3 years now, dont have anything new im learning, just do what is fun at the time. Been using the plastic peak and the smashing yoyo bounce. See ya for now.




Yes welcome!! There are lots of opportunities to apply yourself to learning something new and hanging out with lots of other community members with the 2Arpril event and possibly 5a May coming up. :smiley:
Come join us.


Yo!! My name is Charles. Used to yoyo when I was 12 before the unresponsive yoyos. I had the red yomega x brain. I got back into it on Father’s day 2021 with a black Magic yoyo V3. It got run over by a car and still played well. I’m happy to now be apart of the community and learn about how much it has grown since I stopped. :grin:


Hey there everyone
Recently got into morden yoyoing, and my first morden yoyo was a shutter wide angle, and since i am a 3D artist here is my rendition of shutter wide angle if it was made of glass

Glass Shutter


Hey all, I guess I should properly introduce myself like a good lad.

My name is Dave, David, Vid or whatever you want to call me. I am actually the opposite of a lad, I’m an old man, will be turning 44 in a couple of weeks. I’m a single father (divorced) of an awesome 7 year old daughter who got a 3 pack of yoyo’s for a stocking stuffer for Christmas, to make a long story short, I tried them out for myself and I got hooked, I made the mistake of Googling why I couldn’t get the yoyo to sleep as I remember being pretty decent when I was a kid throwing Duncan Yoyo’s. Back in those days, I never got too deep into it but I don’t recall there being unresponsive or even bearings in yoyos in the early 90’s, but I could be wrong, it blew my mind when I came across this info and I’m sure I did what a lot of you did, I went on Clamazon to order me a yoyo I knew nothing about. My first one was enough to get me interested, it was a WATIEOBOO, which I learned to hate once I started getting higher quality throws (yeah, I’m getting the lingo down somewhat haha).

Anyway, fast forward about 4 months now, all I can do is think, dream and breathe yoyo’s. I am trying to chill out on buying more but I don’t think participating in the forums is going to do me any good in that regard.

What else? Hmmmm, I play guitar and am also passionate about that, though I don’t necessarily collect guitars (that get’s way more expensive than yoyos), I’ve been playing since I was 10 or 11. I mainly play acoustic & classical guitar now but I bring out the Fender Strat from time to time… I only have 4 guitars. I’m on a classical kick now, learning some traditional classical music, the latest song I learned is Chopin Nocturn Op. 9 no. 2. I like to keep my nails long for my guitar playing but that’s proven hard since taking up the yoyo. I like Metal, Prog, Shoegaze, Experimental/Avant Garde, Punk, Hip Hop and everything in between. My take is, there is good music in every genre, you just gotta search for it like anything else. I’m also a pipe smoker and like good wine, pipe tobacco get’s better with age, so I have about 300 pounds aging in my “cellar” as I slowly smoke away at it, I have more than a life time supply. I have close to 100 pipes, give or take a few and that is nothing compared to the hardcore pipe enthusiasts, my collection is pretty modest compared to some.

I live in Austin, TX.

And that’s about it. I look forward to learning the ways of the yoyo!

That was longer than I set out but that’s just how I roll. Thanks for having me.


Welcome! You’ll find that there’s a lot of musicians here as well and the music thread is full of interest in guitars so you are in good company! Also, there is a yoyo club that meets regularly in Austin so feel free to check it out!


Hi, not my first time, but i realized i never did this.
Hi! i’m Summer! I’m a 5a player from Pennsylvania. My favorite yoyo brand is c3yoyodesign, and my favorite throw is Stellar IX. (I am planning on getting a Galaxy Dinosaur which i imagine will replace it though)
I also do kendama and poi, which i recommend if you enjoy 5a style.


Welcome to the forums!


Hello !
I’m François, throwing in Strasbourg, France, for 4-5 years. Not really good at it but having fun.
Surprised to collect yoyos. I own about 40 and waiting for more :slight_smile:
Looking for other people to throw with.
Cheers !


I’m David. Old guy, first yoyo was completely wooden, even the shaft. First ‘real’ yoyo was a Duncan Imperial back in the 60s. Got a Butterfly after that. Had it for probably a decade or more. Never got really good but could do the basics. Few weeks ago got my first yoyo in over 40 years, a Duncan Hornet and of course after messing around with it I had to get another Butterfly, an XT this time. And just last week got a Torque. So still sticking with Duncan. Need to run out and buy another Imperial at some point for old time sake.


welcome! hope you enjoy your stay here, if you have any questions or problems you can always ask the community here


Yo! Rev here!

UK born n raised :uk:
Just got back into the yoyo loop after a 10 year hiatus, when the newest thing was an 888x.
Dark Magic ii had just dropped, that was my first yoyo when I started!

All this new stuff is crazy and I’m loving it.

It’s good to be back!


Welcome to the forum Rev! @reverend