Introduce Yourself! 2024

Welcome back to your old friend…yo-yo. And welcome to the forum.


Hi, I go by LakeYoYo, I found the link here through Skill Addicts. I’m been yo-yoing off and on most of my life. I pick it back up again about a year a go. I had never passed the most basic yo-yo tricks. I stumbled upon the YoYoTrick app and then the SkillAddicts app. Wow, a whole new world of yo-yoing at the grand age of 65! I’ve had more fun and learned more tricks in the last 8 months than I ever dreamed possible. I currently working on intermediate unresponsive yoyo tricks. My yoyo collection and paraphernalia have increased dramatically; however, I’m in need of the next step. Reading and studying to determine what yoyo to purchase next.


Welcome! Plenty of research and opinion pieces here to keep you reading and collecting for sure. I see a big ol camera lens so we’re gonna get along just fine haha.

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Welcome aboard! I’m 66 myself, so it’s never too late!


Welcome back mate, we are quite a big group in UK, I am based in London and we do meeting frequently there is also a scene up North (do not remember exactly which city), hope you have fun and welcome back to the best hobby ever :slight_smile:


Hey All - My name is Todd. I used to be active in the YoYo Community at least 15 years ago. I was heavy into modding and recessing FH0’s back in the day. I dropped out of the scene but have been lurking and yoyoing ever since. I am now retired but find myself practicing more and trying to learn some new tricks. I also have too many yoyos which I hope to sell on the BST forum soon. I want to re-introduce myself before jumping right into the commerce side of yoyoing.
Also - if you sent me anything in the past that wasn’t returned, please let me know so I can make it right. Some personal issues got the better of me back then. My sincere apologies if you were affected by my situation.
I can remember sometimes being quite argumentative back then on the Yoyonation forums. It all just seems so silly now. Bob Dylan said it best : “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”
Thank you all for letting me be a part of this awesome community.


Welcome back. And just to let you know…I’m fairly new, so you never did anything to me…:rofl:
Seriously though, it’s a rare individual who doesn’t have times they regret in the past. The biggest thing a person can do is grow, learn from your mistakes, and apologizing to those you may have rubbed a little less than perfect. Those are the hardest things and you are taking those steps. Good on you!!


Thanks for the kind words. I wasn’t the original gangsta’ lol. I’m sure 99.9% of my clients were satisfied customers.
The arguments were stupid . . . ( “Why can’t anyone make a playable aluminum yoyo for under $50 bucks ?” ) But yeah, past regrets can fester the longer you wait to resolve them for yourself. And suddenly fifteen years go by.


Hello, I’ve started playing yoyo this year after having stopped 10 years ago, I am 22 years old.
During my childhood I first started playing with wooden yoyos like those in the pic bought from street vendors, this style of yoyos are common in my country but I don’t often see people using them. Eventually I was gifted a duncan butterfly and that was peak yoyoing for me until I broke it and replaced it with a butterfly xt which I didn’t know how to properly use. I didn’t research anything about yoyos at that time, I thought it was all intuitive.
All this years after, trying a yoyo again I felt it was fun and remembered how I used to play and while researching about yoyos I found out that what I was doing during my childhood were looping tricks so I got a pair of yoyos and started practicing two handed looping for which I can now do the basic technique.
I feel so dumb for not knowing any general yoyo knowledge for so long, it is not like I didn’t have internet back then, I just thought that no research was necesary and kids around me only knew how to make the yoyo come back. I feel I have a lot in common with people that started yoyoing during the fixed-axle days even though I was born in this millennium, it is nice to know there are people that do play fixed-axle around here but I also feel like I am missing out for not knowing how to do almost no 1A.


Just picked one of these up on my travels.

Fixed Axel known as 0A is still alive and well. We just had a event Fixed Axle February. If your curious about this style, check out the tutorials posted during that 4 week event.

1A is the most popular. I have been back into yoyoing for over a year and a half. I still struggle with 1A and unresponsive yoyos.

Yoyo is a personal journey. So play what you want, how you want.

You will find you wont be judged here for how you play.



Welcome! Recently addition to this forum myself and 62 here.


Hello People of Yoyoexpert,

This is the newly made official account of Sengoku! Some of you may be familiar with our products, some, maybe not.

But this account will be run by multiple team members, or maybe even the owner of Sengoku at times.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions on current or future Sengoku releases here at Yoyoexpert.

Looking forward to speaking with you all!



Nice very cool. Is there a chance of another masamini drop in the future?

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There are a couple projects that are in line first, but I will pass along the request for another Masamini run. Usually, products are a single run affair. However, we did do a second run of Masamini 2.0s in 2020. So I won’t say absolutely no chance of a third.



Side note:

Please enjoy this fine piece of cinematography that was made to promote that second run back in 2020. Good times. ’


Anyone in Louisiana :saluting_face:


Getting back into throwing and thought I’d finally make an account after lurking for so long.
I started about 2016 and was able to get some basic combos but fell out of practicing and sold off my yoyos aside from my Markmount Classic and Colossus III which sat on my shelf until last month.

So pretty much starting from the beginning now which isnt the funnest but I’ll get back on track soon enough
Looking to pick up a responsive throw to help dial in some tricks, really diggin all the modern responsive stuff I’ve been seeing and I want to explore that a lot more.



Have been active in throwing between 2013 and 2015 and came back a month ago. I try to get back at building my foundations while increasing my consistency. The current tricks i am working on is Arm & Elbow Magic Knot while learning Brent Stole on the side. I’m still more of a beginner, so i have a lot of things to learn. Great beeing here


Old user who lost their login information here. Mainly used the BST before under the name Hydrophidian. Lots of people of FB know me in various BST pages there. Trying to move some stuff so, expect bst posts from me.

Nice to be back here. Things sure have changed.


Hello world! I am a moderately new player (1 year experience) and I want to start competing!