Introduce Yourself! 2024

Back in April, I found my old circa 2006 Yomega Fireball in the back of a closet. A little lurking on this forum, combined with A-may-zing, and now I have five new yoyos, one on the way, and I’m throwing every day. I’ve been naming my yoyos after Muppets. I am working through the YYE Advanced part 1 list and also getting into 0A. (I will land a kickflip one day!)


Awesome! Welcome!

Your story resembles many on this forum. Glad you’re back in the game!

Based on everything you said? I think you might be interested in our awesome online club Yoyo Boomers Club
Check it out, if it sounds like something you’re into, simply comment on the club thread that you want to join :slightly_smiling_face:



Definitely welcome @MuppetLabs and @Thrower4aCK


Heyyo everyone, got into throwing during covid but dont have much time to throw anymore so trying to sell a few old ones and have them actually used by people who may get more enjoyment from them. Gonna be keeping one or two because its a way to pass time in meetings lol


Hello, I am Alex, I’m 16, and I got into unresponsive yo-yoing about 3 years ago after I decided to pick up a Butterfly XT. Fast forward to now, I have about 60 yo-yos, have attended a couple contests, and have competed in a couple sports divisions.

While I primarily throw 1A, I am currently trying to learn the basics of 2-5A.


Welcome! You found the right place, if getting better is what you’re after. There are so many amazing throwers, of every style, here. And many of them are more than willing to help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!


Certainly, welcome to the forum. I feel like a good place for you to start is the Trick a Week thread. There is an extensive list of tutorials there for you to build your skills with. Another option is… if there is a particular trick or element you’re having trouble with, or would just like to try… just ask and you’ll be amazed at the assistance you’ll receive. :wink::+1:


Hello everyone, my name is Giorgio and I am Italian. I live in Tuscany, and I was born in '79. I started with yoyos in the early 1990s when Yomega began bombarding us with TV advertisements to introduce us to the new era. I always played without much strategy, but since I started working as a video operator for documentaries, I began to spend my downtime, between travels and during breaks in nature filming, by learning more about yoyos and buying some more advanced models than my old Yomega 2A.After finishing my travels, I put yoyos aside for a few years, but since the birth of my daughter, I’ve found a great balance by meditating between throws. I have grown to love yoyos so much in recent years that I have become enamored with wooden yoyos and fixed axles. Every day I realize how much I still have to learn, and how a millimeter, a change in climate, or the wrong string can make a huge difference.Unfortunately, even though I read that cotton string is ideal for wooden yoyos, I prefer to use polyester, also for availability reasons here in Italy. My favorite yoyo doesn’t exist or perhaps I haven’t found it yet, but I love an old wooden Duncan Imperial that I modified into a Butterfly. It’s a blade!I hope to learn new things by dropping by here from time to time! Thank you!


welcome! awesome to have you. there’s a great fixie community here so I’m sure you’ll find much to talk about


Welcome Giorgio. Thank you for sharing your story. There is a 0a and fixed axle thread that is so full of tricks you won’t know what to do with yourself. :rofl::rofl:


Yea, welcome! You should pop over to the fixed axle thread and show us your modded imperial fly! Sounds cool!


Welcome to the forums everyone, I just realized that I haven’t looked back at this thread since I introduced myself in April.

I haven’t heard of this one but now I’m definitely going to check it out. I’ve been trying to use YoTricks app but I don’t think they really support it anymore, unfortunately. It has the potential to be excellent but there are so many bugs in it now, it’s just frustrating to use anymore but the site is still worth using.

  • Edit* - actually, I noticed that I already have that app on my phone but I never created an account. Don’t you have to post videos to progress in that one?

Welcome, you sound like a software engineer with that intro.


Hi all. I’m David, been throwing on and off for 50 years or so. Still love my Duncan Imperial and Butterfly, although my wife got me a J1-7075 a few years back. Tricks? I’ve forgotten most of the ones I learned when I was younger but would like to start up again. Benefit of a granddaughter who just found my one of my kids yo-yos (an Imperial) in a toy bin and asked how to use it. Some new string and some tips and she can do a return now. Gotta stay one-up on the grandkids!


Welcome, David! We can definitely help you keep one up on the grandkids! :laughing: great story. Glad you’re coming back to the hobby! We try to be very welcoming. Any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

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I believe this is the case, yes.

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welcome David! enjoy your stay


Yeah you post videos and the community determines if you landed the tricks. It’s a good way to learn quick


Got into throwing when covid was in full effect. I have had no consistent practice by any means, but am slowly making progress! I shall spectate y’all at worlds!