Introduce Yourself! 2024

Good luck with that one… :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Welcome to the forums. You’ll find about as much help as there is to be had here… but have you seen these kids play today?? :flushed:


Hey I started throwing at the same time. It’s become a bit of an obsession for me though :joy: welcome to the forum!!!


Hey! I’m Yaroslav, started playing back in 2012 whenever there was a yoyo boom in Russia. After moving to Switzerland in 2014 I participated in some local contests (that we technically didn’t even have enough people for), before becoming a seasoned player and spectator at various European contests. Nowadays I just throw for fun while watching some YouTube and keep up with the scene. I am trying to downsize my collection (because I tend to grab new stuff while in Prague from Slusny a lot), but the shelf stays full. Lately I’ve been using empathy stuff, such as apathy and eminence


Yeah, I can see how that is helpful. I just hate posting video of myself on the internet… I may try to get past that though, for the sake of the yoyo… yo. I did finally create an account and I’m seeing the kids that look to be 10 and younger that are killing it!


Welcome to the forum. :smiley::+1:


Hi, I’ve been lurking here for a short while. I’m in my late 40’s and somehow missed the yoyo boom of the 90’s. I bought a cheap pair of Duncan Butterfly XT’s back in Feb. as something for my young daughter and I to play with. She wasn’t interested at all and after watching a few competition videos I got hooked and decided to challenge myself. I’m currently learning simple unresponsive combos. I went to Nationals in Philadelphia a few weeks ago as a spectator and had a great time and got a lot of inspiration. I also got to meet Andre Boulay, Gentry, Brandon Vu, Dave Shulte, and a few others which was cool, it seems like a great community.


Welcome! I too was at Nats. I don’t recall meeting a William. Are you a Philadelphia local?

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I live about 2.5 hrs away from Philly. I was only there on Sunday, but it made a great day trip.


Excellent. I’m in the northern NYC suburbs. If you met me there’s a strong chance I gave you a counterweight or two :grin:

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Welcome to the community. It’s pretty good I think.

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welcome! i have a similar origin story but without the kool trip to nats. youre right about the community! happy throwing!

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Hey friends,
I have been yoyoing for over 2 years now and have been lurking. Just created an account as i really want to participate in the BST as I see some really nice throws for sale.
Hoping to build some cred quickly to pm some folks about their throws for sale. This is a great resource and the Home for Aspiring throws !


Hi I’m Cameron and I’m from England. I’ve been throwing for over 3 years now and have attended three contests. Im currently 10th in the uk and came 5th at southern regionals. Hope you’re all having a great day!


Yooooo Cameron, nice to see you here man :cupid:


Had to join in with the fun. I’ve had an account for a while but just haven’t spoken​:joy::joy:


Welcome to the fun @sonas @Cameron.yoyo



I’m Rob, the new owner of The Yoyo Archive. Many of you already know me as @rkalajian.

I figured I’d start a new account for TYA to keep it seperate from my main account, and to disassociate it from Throw-Yo, since the two aren’t related.

ANYWAY. Go checkout TYA, and please contact me if you have any information that can be added to existing entries. I’m still working on porting some of the older information to a new structure, and will be adding more content regularly!


Wow Rob. What a huge undertaking. Hopefully future generations will appreciate that the info they look up online didn’t just pop out of thin air, someone spent their personal time archiving and protecting it. Thank you Rob!!! And those who kept this up prior to your taking it over.


Its a great place . Pull up a chair and sit a spell.

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hello everybody!

i had a tigershark back in the 90s and got pretty good as a kid. my nickname was yoyo at summercamp because i was always yoyoing. anyway i’m 38 now and i was at a friend’s the other night and there was a duncn butterfly there… got the string fixed and was able to sleep it and rock the baby. i popped online and saw they still make the tigershark and now i’ve been hooked again.

never knew unresponsive was a thing before. once i get the swing of things again i can’t wait to try it!

sorry for the long post. glad to see people still enjoy yoyo