Introduce Yourself! 2024

Stick around, this place is great :+1:


Welcome to the forums and welcome BACK to the hobby!!! You’re super lucky to get on the forums early into your return. There’s a lot of good info here and helpful people that could’ve saved me hundreds of dollars had I found it sooner :rofl:


Trust me… this was not a long post at all. :rofl:
Welcome to the community.


welcome back and welcome to the forums! as others have said there are amazing ppl here so if you have any questions just yell out loud. also, when ur ready, check out the trick a week thread for some fun stuff to try with others. even if the trick itself is beyond you, the guys running it are amazing at breaking out elements with their own tutorials. have fun and happy throwing!


thanks, gang! i’m working through the tricks on the website now. all the beginner ones are down and pretty easy. had some trouble with pop the clutch but if i get a good sleep and make sure everything’s straight i can land it

on to intermediate, and seeing what this whole bind thing is about. thanks for all the kind replies :slight_smile:


That’s awesome. I bought a tiger shark and a manta ray again recently also. I had kept most of my Spintastics stuff from the 90’s until now, but misplaced a few yo-yo’s over the years. Welcome back!


I know it’s inappropriate for me to ask through a reply, but…… how do i actually post on here?

What do i click to being up a text box i can type into?

Trying to introduce myself is almost more trouble than its worth……


you did it correctly! its just one big thread being continually replied to. if you wanna start a new topic, from the main screen click + New Topic in the top right. welcome to the forums and happy throwing!

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Thanks, wasn’t sure how it worked…
Allow me to begin!

What’s up everyone, both young and old!
My name is Nick, and to my knowledge, i am the ONLY person in my town who gives a damn about a yoyo.
I live in Chatham, Ontario…. CANADA!

I started yoyoing like most other people…. Was given one as a kid, sucked bad, gave it up before learning a single thing….

But years later when i was about 19 years old, i decided to pick up a yoyo as a means to an end… of all things, i used yoyoing to quit smoking cigarettes back then. In under a week, i had kicked the habbit completely because my mind was focused on something i perceived as more important.
Didn’t learning anything but a forward pass back then….

A couple of weeks ago, i came across that same yoyo i used to quit smoking, with a nasty discoloured string on it from my cigarette fingers :face_vomiting: i gave it a few throws, and decided to get a new one, something a bit better than the Yomega Brain i started on….

So now im here.

In the last 2 weeks, I’ve bought 10 more yoyos, just to try different things, feel how each of them operate differently, and mechanically.

I’ve been battling with my ADHD lately, just doing whatever i want to make myself feel better about things.
I figured this was a cheap enough hobby (so long as I don’t get a taste for the expensive yoyos lol) for me to spend my time on.

Im a big advocate of the saying “idle hands are the devils playthings”

They absolutely are. If you don’t keep your hands busy, they will find something to do, and its not always a positive thing, and its not always something you’ll have much control over once you get started (say no to drugs, kids. Like the old arcade machines used to say, WINNERS DONT USE DRUGS)

So once again, im at a point in my life where im trying to keep busy to keep myself out of trouble or from doing something I’ll regret.
You gotta do what you have to do.

The yoyo was calling my name, and this time im back with a vengeance, because im learning lots of tricks steadily. Doing things i could never do before and didn’t have the confidence to do.

But enough about my personal struggles, I’ll get back to telling you about how i throw.

I’m big on looping tricks myself because that’s just what i find easiest, but i can rock a string trick or 2, and i rock a pretty mean baby.
im not so good at picture tricks…. Adhd makes visualizing the image and remembering which strings to pull DIFFICULT, so i haven’t done an eifel tower or anything yet lol

Current i own
-yomega alpha wing (x3)
-magicyoyo K2
-yomega spectrum
-duncan imperial
-magicyoyo Dawn D-3 (x2)
-yomega brain
-yomega maverick
-that one design made by various companies, usually red and says “AUTHENTIC Classic YO-YO” on it lol



The forum has some mechanisms that prevent spam but also leave new users a bit annoyed at first

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Hi, Slomega here. Just got into yoyo again after a 20+ year hiatus aka since my pre-teens. I was big into yoyo for year saving up to get the latest Yomega every month or so. Stopped after a couple years as other hobbies took my interest.

A few weeks ago my kids came up to me with some yo-yos from a discount store and asked if I knew any tricks. The yo-yo nerd came out in me and I started showing them a couple. After a few minutes throwing a Yomega brain knock-off I realized I had broken the axle on one. I immediately went on Amazon and replaced them with some LED Yomega Spectrums (since spinning lights are dope) and picked myself up a Magicyoyo k2 Crystal. A few weeks later and I’m hooked again.

Already passed on the K2 to my oldest and am using a Speedaholic XX and PLTPS. Working on nailing the Cold Fusion, just missing the dismount to trapeze. Have a Monarch and SP Ultra enroute.

So far my favorite things about this hobby is how fast one can progress in a day and how much better it is than doom scrolling on social media. It took me like two days with a sporadic couple hours each day to go from opening my first unresponsive to being consistent with binds.

I’d rather watch a Yoyo-Tricks video and work on something new than read what nonsense people are posting.

Also, it is by far the cheapest and lowest barrier of entry of any of my hobbies over the past decade or so besides maybe running.

Glad to have found this again and to see how far it has come. It is such a great feeling to land a trick for the first time and again once I get it consistently. Sorry for the rambling but thanks for reading!


welcome home!


YESSS I love yoyoing when I have to wait in line during errands or anything. Like you said, so much better than looking at the internet.


Welcome to the madness. There is a fine community here, looking forward to hearing more from you. :smiley:


honestly I’m still to afraid to do it in line. I’m convinced I’m gonna smack someone lol


This is why I always carry 1 unresponsive and 1 fixie/responsive with a relatively short string.

Unresponsive for when I have to wait and have plenty of room.

Responsive/fixie for practicing hop the fence and lunars when I’m in line/ tight quarters.

Welcome back to the hobby @slomega! You’re story mirrors so many of ours. Glad you found yoyo again! I know it’s brought me and many others lots of joy and I’m stoked you are finding that joy too.


oh i meant even responsive LOL i dunno what it is about ppl around here but theyll crowd you like the planet just got smaller all of a sudden. im not even lying, more than once ive had to turn around and suggest if they were gonna get that close to me they should at least buy me dinner first so we can get to know one another

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Thanks! The PLTPS is so pocketable just for this. I’ve been working on the trapeze stall to start getting into the modern responsive with the counterweight. It’s also such a great looking yo-yo.


Oh heck nah. I’m not down with that. Start yo-yoing. They’ll give you space or they’ll get bonked! :joy:

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Hello, my name is dariram, or Joe, and I’m finding myself engaging with this community more and more daily so it seemed right to add my origin story.

I’m 35 and as a kid in the 90s I have a similar story of getting into the yoyo craze and coveting the Turbo Bumblebee. When I was 9 or 10 I got a red Yomega X-brain for Christmas and I was hooked for a while. I even remember visiting Korea at 11 and buying a light up yoyo to play with when there wasn’t anything else to do. Now, I wasn’t good as a kid. I could sleep, rock the baby, forward pass and, what i now know are called, outside loops. Then I fell out of it and never thought about yoyos until June of this year when my wife randomly told me it was National Yoyo day. We both talked about yoyos and my wife fished out a fixed axel wooden yoyo she got from a farmers market in San Francisco. I told her I used to yoyo as a kid and she said she had a couple yoyos because they made good souvenirs for places she’s visited. Instantly I went on amazon and saw they updated the X-brain so I primed it to my house and played with that for what I feel like was a couple days straight. I then got a Magicyoyo K2p and got the feel for a full size yoyo in responsive and unresponsive and learned the brain twister. From there I was addicted. My first monometal soon after was the Duncan Barracuda which really solidified that this was a hobby that I wanted to stick with.

What really draws me into yoyoing is the controlled chaotic nature of stringing together combos. It gives me the same rush that I loved and craved while working in kitchens. It’s a feeling of being in flow state and there multiple pans cooking and steaks in the oven while trying to finish a sauce to plate food that looks like art. I find myself lost in time just going from single to double to triple trapeze. There’s so much science, grace and feeling that goes into yoyoing and it’s the grind I’ve been looking for that doesn’t rapidly depreciate my physical health by hustling in a kitchen. The hobby has also given me something that I can fidget with while I battle my ADHD now that I’m not constantly moving.

3 months in and I’m working on staying in plane with eli hops, barrel rolls and watching as much yoyoing as I can. My current throws are: OD Wizard, Duncan Barracuda, Unpld Method because they’re my dinged up practice throws. I’m working on getting better to be able to fully appreciate some of the one-of-a-kind throws that I’ve collected.

I hope I can help contribute to this already amazing yoyo community that’s humbled me time and time again. Also, very nice to meet y’all.