Introduce Yourself! 2023

What rick should i learn first. 2.0 hook? Or reverse brent stole

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Iā€™d recommend learning which ever looks more fun/ interesting/ cool to you first, the order doesnā€™t really matter. Also it would probably be best to make a new topic for questions like this. The title could be something like, ā€What trick should I learn next?ā€ Welcome to the forums also!


How long does it take to learn a new trick, and what is a good way to focus on that trick?

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It really depends on how much time you put into the trick and how difficult a trick is. Also how smart you approach learning it. Just go step by step until you can land the trick then keep doing it until you can land it consistently then still keep doing it until it looks effortless and pretty.

Focus on 1 trick by just attempting and practicing only that 1 trick.

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Do you think bringing a metal yoyo to school is a good idea? Should i just live a natural life like all the other kids?

A natural life as in maybe playing soccer or something thats not yoyo

Ummm I think you should do whatever you want. If theyā€™re allowed and you would have time to play it and would want to, go for it! I donā€™t always feel the need to have a Yoyo on me and often leave them all at home. Sometimes I know Iā€™ll want one on me so Iā€™ll grab one. I donā€™t think you should let it isolate you in the same way that pulling out a phone during a conversation is isolating. But I also donā€™t think you should avoid bringing a Yoyo if youā€™re just worried what other ppl might think bc Yoyo is cool and being confident and comfortable is very cool.


Thx kinda needed that


I donā€™t know about other peopleā€™s experiences but yoyoing actually helps me socially. Gives you a talent for people to be jealous of ;). I bring my yoyo with me everywhere and no one has given me any fuss over it, and if they ever did that just means they arenā€™t really worth the time or effort of interacting with in the first place.


@Scoogy 12 years old is a tough time. And you are living in times where people your age deal with pressures and situations that are difficult for even the most experienced of people. Your peers can be cruel in a way that was just unheard of when I was young. You are trying to figure out who you are going to be and where you see yourself fitting into society. Itā€™s a tough time. You literally have brand new chemical and biological processes getting started in your body that even change the way you think about things. Itā€™s a tough time. So whatever you find that brings you enjoyment, as long as you are not hurting other people, then embrace it. I would highly discourage you from getting involved in things that donā€™t appeal to you simply so that you can fit in. Be aware of the rules and if itā€™s not going to get you in trouble and you think you can find time to enjoy it without having it distract you from your schoolwork, then go for it. But donā€™t kid yourself. School is important and you should do your best. The diploma is only a piece of paper but your education will define you as a person. Also you may want to consider if bullying is a big problem in your school. I say this because bullyā€™s take things from people. And it may be very hurtful having a mean person take your yo-yo from you. Hang in there buddy and never be afraid to reach out here on this forum. It has been a pretty good place with some pretty awesome and down to earth people who always seem willing to help. Welcome to the forum.


Lol did you mean to @ me? Iā€™m 24, not 12. That being said i do remember being 12 and totally agree with you that thereā€™s a crapton going on both socially and hormonally.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: no I didnā€™t. I fixed it! I remember being 12 too and thatā€™s why I said what I did. Tough time. Too many adults I think donā€™t remember well enough what it was like at that age and it really is astounding to me that things that todays youth get heaped upon them to deal with. Just one small example. I couldnā€™t begin to imagine suffering from PTSD in school because you canā€™t stop imagining the next active shooter incident. But this is what kids feel daily. Itā€™s heart wrenching.


As a middle aged person I bring a yoyo everywhere. No one honestly cares. Itā€™s something I do I enjoy it and occasionally someone might chat about it with me but if your confident then Iā€™ve learned no one pays attention to what your up to. End of the day do what makes you happy. Donā€™t make it an escape or your whole personality but if you enjoy yoyo being your yoyo.

Iā€™ve legit had my yoyo in the corporate office and thrown tricks while on hold at a cubicle.


I m pretty sure you even shared pictures. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth::anguished:


Probably did share pictures. Iā€™ve brought a yoyo to the White House, weddings, corporate offices, travel on vacation and such. Really only place I donā€™t bring a yoyo is a secure facility cause I donā€™t want it confiscated and I thought it would be in bad taste to bring one to a funeralā€¦


Also any off yall know who sean perez is? Hes a 4a player in the philipines. And hes also my uncle


When Iā€™m in public yo-yoing, usually I get multiple fans going up to me asking if I can do the dna, but everyone in the school has already seen it, or they just absolutely do not care. It kind of makes scence though, because yo-yoing is the kinda the only thing I do now, and that theyā€™re so used to seeing me do tricks.


Also prob shouldā€™ve introduced myself

My name is marco. (Just call me scoogy)

I am 12 yo, and I have been yoyoing for about 7-8 months.

I started yoyoing because of youtube. I saw evan and other youtubers do the dna, which i thought was sick.
I then proceeded to buying a k2 crystal yoyo, which got stolen later on.
I bought another one, talking much more care of it.
As my skill increased, I bought a godspeed.
I cant believe how far yo-yoing has taken me in my life.

Also poll: I have a yt channel rn, but i quit a while ago because of school.

Should i get back on?


Hey as long as you donā€™t let it get in the way of school i think you should! Practicing in front of a camera is great for competition prep.


Hello, im bendy and ive been yoyo-ing about 6 months. my friend Ian Johnson got me started. Some of you already know me :slight_smile: