Incredibly Looney Listings

This one is a good one. Dude is delusional. It boggles my mind how you can post this and fully believe it’s worth the price and is in the condition it’s listed as.

The listing starts off stating there’s light scratches but no deep gouges. WHAT?! :rofl:🥸 are we looking at the same photos? There’s more gouges than YoYo.

THEN it says the other “raw” dingo is a rare modder fodder from OD. And gives some story about it mistakenly being sent to him or some mumbo jumbo. Totally not sanded…. Except it clearly was sanded… look at it! Look at the response area, there’s still ano under the stickers! Every modder fodder I’ve ever received from one drop have always been completely raw… maybe they have had a couple anodized fodders but I highly doubt this is one. It’s clearly sanded and very poorly at that.

There’s more crap in this post than at a manure farm.

What’s really sad is there are 11 watchers! :man_facepalming: link to this absurd post


Most prices I see are pretty reasonable but this is crazy. Double the price of an already expensive throw.


Yeah, I know who the seller is… I won’t call him out though.


It’s raining looniness :scream_cat:. >>>

Get the firing squad ready for a double feature… the seller and the buyer are both guilty of felonious stupidity.


On the bright side, at least they give you free shipping with your purchase :joy:.

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Wow. :exploding_head:

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Is this what they mean when someone says “Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover” ?

Now I need a TK Collector Item check Please? @chrismacg @edhaponik ,


I’m having a hard time seeing how that’s a 3in1.



you will receive those 3 pieces in 1 package


I recently picked up a No Jive in a green box on eBay and was surprised to find not one, but TWO No Jives stuffed into the box. I guess that made it a Two-in-Three-in-One deal. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It’s not even shaped like a No Jive…


It’s an All Jive 1 in 1.


It isn’t a No Jive. It is an official No Jive box.

eBay is a strange place where fools and their money are easily parted. Recently there have been a number of Yo-Yos labeled as “Tom Kuhn” models that aren’t at all; they’re just BC/What’s Next produced yo-yos. An uninformed collector may be thinking that they’re getting a deal when really they’re paying more for something mislabeled.

Sometimes I think that the seller is trying to take advantage of confusion; other times I suspect the ignorance is on the seller’s side (e.g. A BC era No Jive for $150 is just dumb). In the case of the above No Jive I suspect it’s an uninformed seller who did some cursory research on a yo-yo they picked up in an estate sale and are hoping for the best. We’ll probably see that yo-yo relished multiple times until the price gets so low that someone buys it for the box.


I know this is a rare throw but damn I didn’t know it was 1k plus rare :stuck_out_tongue:


Well if you want one…….
I’m going to sell my purple Ti Peak for 2k with box and patch. My email is listed on my bio. Thanks!!!


Worth, value, rarity……

Is a Citizen ‘worth’ $1500? Well, if that is the yo-yo you live to acquire and you have the Cheddar, than maybe it is.

Should the Citizen be valued at $1500? Combine the factors of it being a very good yoyo and somebody might ‘want it’ really bad……than maybe it is?

Should ‘rarity’ dictate the value to that price point? ($1500). Well, if you love having low production Titanium yo-yos that are designed and made to play very well. And…. Knowing that others may beat you to it and add it to their collection instead of yours…… perhaps it is.

My mindset is that when people want soooooo much for an amazingly rare and excellent playing yo-yo that would be such a gem to possess, why are they willing to unload it instead of just keeping it, lol. (Other than needing money and such).

I sold my Citizen to one of the forum members because he had been looking for one for some time. He had one when they were first released but faded out on yo-yos and sold it. He regretted it since then and seemed compelled to eventually get another.

I knew that might take some time, so I contacted him and sold mine to him for about $100 over what I paid.

I can’t read too much into a persons’ actual intentions. For all I know, the guy could have been a bounty hunter for someone else looking for one. <just looking for somebody like me who likes a good story?

I try to match the guy with the yo-yo he seeks. And just play it on a case by case basis.

I can’t feel ‘regret’ for grails I have solved for people. I just figure if I feel somebody will get a lot more out of a certain yo-yo than me, that is just how things may work out in their favor.

I’m sure it’s only a matter of time if somebody gives me an amazingly sad tearjerking story and I sell them one of my prize yo-yos for peanuts. And then I’ll probably find out a couple days later that he sold it to a collector for a couple thousand. It’ll turn out the guy that I sold a yo-yo to was not an end user but was just a guy that hunted stuff down for other people he gets paid well to do it. It happens more often than you think. Anything to make a buck… no law against it, lol.

I can’t let that bother me. Like benmichael86 said some time ago, ‘We all take turns trying to help each other’.

PS… I have no regrets about selling my Citizen. But, that being said, the Citizen I sold was #21.

So, if you guys ever see that up for sale for a Big/Chunk/a/Change, that would certainly give my story a lot more depth, lol.


Saw this the other day and nearly choked laughing at that price. If someone pays it, i’d be super surprised! Then that’d make me wonder if I should sell some protos haha!


My goodness…. I don’t ever remember saying that before, lol>>>

Are folks seriously Stupid enough to ‘bounce this high’?

Because I have some potential investment property in the Swamp, right next to the sweetest Alligator farm you ever seen.


Well the ceiling has been lowered as now I can “Buy Now at a Discount” or even try for more savings with a “Counteroffer” for #34

@DocPop just shared his visit at the One Drop Shop and they talked about the Citizen


Yeah I watched that this morning.
The citizen does look great and the work that went into it does warrant a high price but this still seems mighty steep to me. But each to their own. If someone has the cash and is happy to pay sure why not