In this topic

can u get me a free FHZ plz lol

I want a free MG

wat brand has the most dings?

ONE DROP!!! hahahaha i kill myself


He is stating that he thinks hes funny.

What do you call André’s freestyle music? Yoyo Jam’s

That made me smile ;D

Robin the boy wonder hates the Kickside. Reminds him of his position too much.

I’m your friendly neighborhood Spyder Man!

What did the Karate teacher tell his students when he brought yo-yos to his lesson?
“Today, you shall learn the art of the Lyn Fury (jumps up; does Matrix halfway; lands with tangled string).”

Hmmm…that was bad. But then again, this thread is all about bad jokes right? Right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Why Yo-yoers Are so addict in playing yo-yo?
Because they play & throw The Addiction by SPYY.

Off topic: Nice Chopsticks bro!~

Yeah pretty much…

What did Sushi A say to Sushi B?
Wasabi! (Was-sup-B)

What do yo-yoers use to eat? Chopsticks!

What’s the best way to travel around Europe?
Go Around the World to BigBen and take the Journey to the Eiffel Tower and watch the Skyline.

;D ;D ;D

That was the best.

Why couldn’t you watch the movie? Because those Two Fat Ladieswere blocking the screen.
Why couldn’t you eat your sandwich? Cause it was XXXXL.
Why couldn’t you get 777 in a slot machine? Cause you got 888instead :smiley:

What is the most helpful yoyo? Zee Pool Cleaner

Why was the pool dirty? Because Zee Pool Cleaner did not want to clean it!

What do you get when you cross a platypus and an ostrich?

A New Breed!

What is Severus Snape’s favorite yoyo?

  • Dark Magic

What is Skeletor’s favorite yoyo?

  • Bare Bones

What is Bob Marley’s favorite yoyo brand?

  • Buzz-On

What is the favorite yoyo brand of drunk dyslexics?

  • hspin