Jokes about yoyo

One day, I couldn’t sleep well and thought some jokes below. You can feel free to add your jokes on the thread. Let’s see.

Q. Where would you feel the biggest pain when you make your yoyo bump into?
A : Face.
B : Nuts.
The true yoyo enthuist : Another yoyo.

A : As yoyo turns, life turn.
B : Oh, I see. So I’m gonna get a good turningpoint, right?
A : NO. It turns back on you.

Three mans are dead. An angel asked which was the most regretful thing in their life.
Doctor : I regret if I saved one more person, that would be more better.
Lawyer : I regret that I lost the suit. Because the client killed me.
The true yoyo enthuist : I regret because I didn’t change my yoyo string on this morning.

Q. Say the word include “yo”
A : yogurt.
Smart person : you.
Non-English speaker : Yoseph?
The true yoyo enthuist : Of course, yoyo.
Hiphop listener : Haha. hey, yoyoman. Why you say “Yo!” twice?


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