I'm really enjoying my new DV888

I guess my feeling is the world would be a bit better place from a yo-yo perspective if the DV888 … the “everyman introductory metal yo-yo”… was a regular 888. Maybe without hubstacks, since those are expensive, I get it. You only need to compare the price of the Confusion GT ($35) and the “888 GT” ($60) to see that – they’re basically identical, except one costs $25 :warning: more and has hubstacks.

The DV888 at its current design, price and positioning does mildly tarnish the YYF brand, in my opinion. Irreparably? No, of course not. It’s a minor detail in the big scheme of things. But details matter :wink:

Just my opinion, of course, but also based on the video by @Tvelto

Number 5. Yoyofactory DV888. That’s right. I’m sorry, I’m gonna get hate for this, but I think the DV888 is … bad. It’s a bad yoyo. I’ll explain why.

I realize it’s outdated, but it’s super outdated and it still costs too much money. The responsive version comes in at $30. It’s small, it’s heavy, and it kinda plays like a rock. And it comes reponsive, which means you’re gonna hurt yourself with it. You’re gonna smash your knuckles, hit yourself in the face, and it’s like hitting yourself in the face with like a 67g piece of lead. It’s just small and dense and responsive, and that’s bad. It’s especially bad because it’s targeted to beginners, and I feel like that’s extra bad for beginners, I feel like you’re pretty likely to hurt yourself with that yoyo as a beginner, and that’s no good. You don’t wanna hurt yourself playing yoyo right off the bat.

The other problem I have is cost. It starts at $30 for the responsive version, but if you want the “upgrade kit” that’s another $10. So you’re already at $40 to “upgrade” your meh yoyo to an unresponsive yoyo that plays … OK. It plays … meh. It plays outdated. And this would all be fine if it was just an old yoyo that had been discontinued but there were still a ton in stock, but they’re still making new colors. A new color came out this year and it costs 5 more dollars!

So for me, number 5 [worst yo-yo] is the YYF DV888. It’s outdated, it needed to be revamped 2 years ago, but they just decided to pump out more colors and bump up the price an extra $5 because “it’s a fun splash”, and they still target it toward beginners, and it’s a bad beginner yoyo in my opinion.

After transcribing that video text I now realize I might have helped you dodge a bullet @Glenacius_K since I think I sent this to you with an unresponsive wide bearing (a $30 + $10 bearing kit + $5 splash value!!).

Heck, why can’t the “everyman introductory metal yo-yo” be the Confusion? That thing is AWESOME! Just drop the DV888 from their catalog like a bad habit and switch on over to the Confusion! I’d argue the 888 (the real 888, like the real slim shady) is a better historical “classic” choice from the YYF catalog, but either one would be infinitely better than the current status quo.