Then I wouldn’t have to spend $300 to get their new models!
(And I like their players and would like to be able to talk with them :P)
Tha lodge
Yoyo zeekio because they have awesome offstring yoyos and their 1A yoyos don’t look bad either.
Also Philip White is an awesome offstring player.
So, I’m not super interested with being sponsored, even though it would be an amazing feat for me.
I would choose YYJ
I know like, 6 people off the team
The Diamondback is my favorite yoyo
The apprentice team
André Boulay
Tropic spins.
And that one too. I forgot
I know everyone on that team and the Capricorn is way good
It’d be awesome to be sponsored by One Drop or maybe MFD, the guys seem cool
I noticed i never answered my own question. XD
Ima G2 Guy all day, every throw that has came out of the mind of Gross and Grimes, has been spectacular and spot on to pretty much every attribute i look for in a yoyo.I would love to throw beside Jacob himself one day,and let him show me his collage of techniques and tricks. I would love to represent the company with every throw a sling. G2 is just an amazing company that puts very careful tweaks into thier yoyo’s that make them one of a kind. Some day i hope to be recognized as a competitor and hope to catch the attention of their Team. Just gotta keep practicing. ;D ;D ;D
Duncan the crew seems super cool to hang with, they travel hella lot, and augggggggggie
CLYW of course lol
only one, YYF -
because they are out there with every aspect of yoyoing to encourage ALL to join.
they have yoyo’s in every category, price, look and feel for almost everyone.
yoyofactory and clyw would be prime for me for sure
I can buy my own air fare and yo-yos, and I don’t compete (although I might start), so sponsorship would be kind of funny for me. But, the thought of being part of a winning team is always a good thing. Team YoyoExpert, if there ever was one. But, I promote them for free anyway, and if you really like something, I think that’s the way it should be.
But, as for favorite yo-yo manufacturers, I’ll drop a little hint. The name of the company has the same number of letters as “TotalArtist,” they are the leading maker of my favorite colorway, and their throws are usually stable and long spinning just how I like them. Oh, and one last clue:
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5596/15083892060_ea7902112e_o.jpgTANewLogo by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
i would be sponsorde by clyw
Me to… me to…
One drop or clyw
More than a sponsorship I’d love to be a yoyo ambassador involved with a company, or better yet a group of companies, that had some surplus yoyos to spread among the masses, kids, hospitals, charity groups, and get to help individuals acquire some skills with such an incredible toy. To see those smiles, feel that excitement, and share that energy would just be amazing! That joy and energy is why I love the school club.
I’ll miss it next year.
YYF Because Arizona.