I just got scammed

I think the biggest drawback of the Friends and Family option is it puts the noose right around your neck.

Because even though you may have the best intentions(or are just plain cheap); by clicking on F&F and not goods and services; you are lying. So for a few bucks; you leave yourself with Zero defense.

Let’s say the deal falls through and you are out your money. So you contact Paypal and say what? F&F means no goods or services were exchanged. It means exactly what it says.

So if you get Punked; and tell them, ‘ I got robbed. I did a goods and services deal on Paypal. But I was too cheap to pay the price for your money moving skills; I lied and said the stranger I sent the money to; was actually a friend. But he is not and now he won’t send my yoyo back.

Even though I lied to you to save peanuts; can you get my money back for me?

See what I am saying? You can’t lie to somebody and then ask them for help.

You don’t have a leg to stand on.


Yeah but I’ve done 100+ transactions with F&F and had no issues. Literally zero! I’ll put my cold, hard data against your conjecture any old day :wink:

The trick is to ONLY do F&F if it’s an established community member with history. Yo-yo people are good people. New drive-by folks… who knows?


I think you’re the only person I’ve ever felt 100% comfortable to send it as F&F, other than that I just pay the extra couple bucks for G&S.


There are many examples of people being burned using F&F. That’s not conjecture, that’s data.

My recommendation is, as it’s always been, pay goods and services.


Very good.

I think they’re burned by new users most of the time though, that’s the relevant bit. Established community members have reputations and are reliable.

Not to be an elitist, but I also think as you get into the higher yo-yo price brackets ($50+ yo-yos even used) you’re dealing with people that take more care with their actions and "stuff’', as it were…


A scammer that says he has a $200 Draupnir doesn’t really take better care with his make believe yoyo, right?

The facts are that sending F&F has a risk. People have been burned. Sending G&S is risk free (for the most part).


A scammer that has hundreds of posts spanning a year or more, and many other b/s/t topics and regularly participates in the community?

No, I don’t think so.


No, that’s not the person I’m talking about. I’m talking about the smooth talking scammer that preys on good natured people and people trying to save a few bucks. The occurrences don’t lie. It’s happenned before and it’s gonna happen again. The best approach (in my opinion) is to recommend goods and services. I’d hate to have somebody get burned because they’d read somewhere that vegabomb thinks it’s fine to send paypal friends and family.


Actually, we’ve seen it before a few years back on TheYo.com. Took us a bit to catch on. The guy hit 3 times before we caught on to him. We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two… :hushed:


Unfortunately the yo-yo community is a fair bit smaller than it was back then in the heyday, and the rise of social media has changed the stakes a bit.

I think the best way to propose this is that the buyer has to pay a bit extra if they want F&F. If that’s the case, then go for it to taste.

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I believed you’ve used F&F with me, Doc.

I must be yo mama. :older_woman:


There are always exceptions.

You can’t be my Momma; since my Momma dropped DEAD of a stroke on October 15th.

But we are friends; so why wouldn’t I trust you?


I despise theft. Sorry for your experience dude .Good luck in the Future.


Certain people I don’t mind paying F&F, but if someone I don’t know is insisting on it, I just add the extra to make up for the fee. In google type in “Paypal Fee Calculator” It’ll tell you the most up-to-date percentage and the exact amount to add for them to get the amount they are requesting.

99% of the people that I’m ok paying F&F would turn out to be really sad if they decided to start scamming people.

Another user was caught recently too, @Finger4 is selling items from a couple of Reddit users who are unaffiliated with the account. I wonder what has caused the recent increase in scammers lately on the forums. As sad as it is to say, it might be better off not dealing with newer accounts who have no clear established relation to a reputable member. And never use the Family and Friends method unless its with someone with a very good reputation in the community or an actual friend.


Looks like the same guy with a new account


I think we got him before he caused any damage this time. I think the advice from @yoyospirit on not trading with newer accounts is sound, sad as that may be.


I’ve dealt with new accounts before. If it’s a trade I make them send first. I send once I’ve recieved and inspected the trade. If something seems at all off or fishy I’ve even had people send before I paypal them the funds.


I would even go to the extreme of saying “only pay with Goods and Services” when you are purchasing something. Bottom line is there is protection offered by Paypal when you use Goods and Services, if you are lying to them by saying it is ‘friends and family’ you are stealing from Paypal.