I got lots of string knots in my yoyo does that effect somethin?

I got lots of stri g knots in my yoyo does that effect anything?

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It means you are a tech god in the making


Yes it’ll make it spin less. Change your string if it has knots in it.

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Take them out. It’s not hard. :wink:


The main problem with knots is that knots get in the way for more advanced tricks. It is hard to tricks to land tricks like Tyler Severance’s mini ninja vanish when the knots are where the yoyo needs to land.

it effects string tension

Get the knot out as soon as you see it. If you have a lot of knots that you can not get out, change the string. Strings are not meant to be kept forever. They’re disposable.


Welcome to the forum Aayushman. Yeah, get those knots out.

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