Does anybody else try to get the knot out of their string while the yoyo is still spinning?

If I get tangled up and the yoyo is still spinning, it’s my personal mission to get that knot out before it stops spinning. It gets pretty ridiculous sometimes lol


Sadly yes, I’ve done this many times lol.

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I never get knots, so it’s not an issue for me…

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Yesssss all the time lol. It straight up can be mission Impossible

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Any time i can, I do. Take the string off your finger, undo the knot, slip string back on, bind and carry on. Ive seen people get really impressed by me doing this “trick” but really its just a time saver. plus its way easier to pull the slip knot through a tight tangle, than the yoyo side. Its also fun cause there is a timer attached to it and yougotta be on it to pull it off. :smiley:


Yep :sweat_smile:

It’s almost become a habit, like a personal vendetta. Like, oh yeah string? You’re going to tangle up? I’ll show you!


I think of it as a challenge: Can I get this knot out before the yoyo stop spinning and twirls around making a bunch of tension.


Omg yes I do that all the time lol.:joy::joy:


I often try what Dust said, to take the string off your finger and undo the knot. But instead of putting the string back on, I hold the string like 5A and bind. Saves time.