How to bind horizontaly

I have been doing horizontal tricks and I am struggling to bind it because I finnish the trick and the yo-yo falls. How can I bind it horizontaly?


Just like regular. Make sure you’re binding from an undermount if you throw a horizontal breakaway and trapeze if you’re throwing it with the spin going the other way.


Just like a normal bind.
It may help if you practice finger spin bind to used to binding horizontally.

Personally, I think the fingerspin bind it way harder than standard horizontal binds.

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Yeah there is the whip fingerspin bind which is way harder. There is also a bind when you throw a horizontal breakaway and bind by bringing the string into the yoyo.


Im currently working on the bind return of a horizontal finger spin nyself. Good Lord its tough to get. Ive been going hard at it for a about a week or so and have made some progress (i can my technique has improved). It would seem that now even when i get the motions perfect, half the time the string even when it goes exactly as it should it just simple doesnt happen to catch. I get it to form the “tail” or “loop” as some call it and i can see and feel it start to wrap around the bearing for a bind, and then…nothing it just doesnt catch. Im still trying learning and figuring out the mechanics of unresponsive yoyo play so hopefully i’ll get it soon. Ive read and watched everything available online i just seem to be stuck. Any tips that i havent tried yet ?

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How new to unresponsive are you? Can you do any laceration binds? Are you comfortable with a few different binds non horizontally?

This is a great video as in intro to horizontal.

Once you get into horizontal binds i found that it’s easier with different yoyos. In my experience I found that it’s easiest to do horizontal and horizontal binds with yoyos like the yyf r type

Hmm i suppose i would say veey very very new to unresponsive play lol. However i am learning fairly quickly. Ironically enough just this evening I finally hit the horizontal finger spin bind return on purpose lol.

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Im able to do what i guess you’d call a vertical bind or the most “common” bind. What sorta binds are you thinking of?

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When you’re in a horizontal trapeze try swinging it to the other side and that allows you to bind.
Sorry if my description was confusing.

Ohhh your talking bout the style…as in “horizontal play” i just watch a quick video about that. Wow didn’t realize it was even a thing lol, did i mention im super new to unresponsive play lol. Im working on learning the easier side of tricks first then i think i will work my way up. My earlier post yesterday i was at my wits end about not being able to land the bind return part of the horizontal finger spin trick. I have been practicing very intensively for a lil over a week. And well tonight it would seem that practice has started to pay off because i have landed it multiple times this evening. Super stoked about it.

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Good bews fellow yoyo -ers lol, i belive ive had my “aha” moment concerning the horizontal finger spin bind return. I am finally starting to land the trick as of this evening. (1-29-24) lots n lots of practice. Its almsot like you have to go thru the practice part not obly for the practice itself but also to train you arm muscels and wrists muscel to remeber to motions. Talk about muscel memory lol.


Yeah I was just going to say like learn some more binds and get more comfortable with regular binds and that will help with the finger spin bind.

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