How old are you?

I thought you were like… 13.

11, throwing for 14 years.

Really 5 months.

What part of our Profile can lead to identity theft?

E-Mail adress for blackmail. Location for robberies. PM options if you have it on send a copy to your inbox of your E-Mail. Notifacations linked to E-Mail. Your ICQ, AIM, YIM, or MSN information. Many of these little things we don’t worry about- think that can never happen- can happen. Be careful… :-\

Really not trying to bring you down, but how would knowing what country you are in lead to roberies?

How would people email you for blackmail? You can’t blackmail someone with email, you don’t even know the guy, and you cant threaten someone over email lol, theres a delete/junk/scam button.

Agreed, I mean it is wierd if people send you scary emails or AIMs but you just need to be mature, if we give out our EXACT location… then thats a problem.

But it is important to be safe, you can really get “Blackmailed” more “Cyber-Builled”

33, been throwing a couple months. I love practicing as it gives me a chance to listen music…and its fun!


^^^@last couple posts — If anyone wants to stalk me… go for it. You can come over right now and mow my lawn!

Even easier is R-Click and “add to blocked senders list”… or tell your parents if you are young and feel threatened. /shrug

  1. Throwing for about a year and a half. I’ll be 19 in a couple months.

11 and I have been yoyoing for 15 days.

What, just 15 days and you got an 888!?

Anyway, I am 12 and I have been yoyoing for 3 months or so.

hahahaha lol :smiley: ;D :slight_smile:

  1. I probably have yoyo’d for 20 years, casually. I had played on fixed axels exclusively until a few weeks ago, when I decided to buy a cheap transaxle yoyo (looks for Apple Jacks Yoyo on ebay if you want to see the model). Immediately I was able to easily execute all my rusty tricks, and quickly moved on to things like the braintwister and trapeze that I had never had the sleep-time or confidence for. Just waiting for my Lyn Fury to arrive to replace said old yoyos, and I’ll be ready to finish learning those basic split-bottom mount tricks. I’m pretty excited, yoyos have always been a great joy of mine, and the gentle vibration on the end of a string helps to keep me in a state of meditative bliss.

I’m sixteen years old, and I’ll turn seventeen in three months. Seventeen’s a lousy age so I’m not really waiting for it. I’ve been yo-yoing about 1.6 years (roughly :P). I’m not sure about the day but it was either September or October when I started.

28 years old, i start yoyoing almost 5 years ago(in november)

yoyo for ever!!!