
How old are you?

  1. Been throwing almost a year and a half now.
  1. Been throwing almost 2 years

18 Just got back into it after a 1 year break.


30 been yoyoing about 25 years. doing string tricks for about 22.

  1. been yo-yoing for about 9 months.
  1. About 9 1/2 months.

14, about a year and a half

36 yrs old, throwing for 9mths

20 been throwing for 2 years and a half

  1. I’ve been throwing seriously the past 2-3 years.

16 going to be 17 this December. been throwing for a total of 10 months

18, 4 and a half years.

13, gonna be throwing for a year in December.

14 and throwing for about a year and a half.

35, on and off for about 3 1/2 years.

:frowning: I ain’t tellin’! (I’ll admit to this much, I remember getting to go home early from school because the president had been shot in Dallas.)

and for about 3 1/2 or 4 years I guess.
(At my age it’s hard to remember these things. Now what did I come in here for?)


16, 4 months…