how "much" have you spent on yo-yos

I have been throwing for about 5 years and have spent about $1000. That is cheep compared to most hobbies.

I only got into throwing in February-ish and have spent probably 200 give or take some plus string and lube.

I’m around 3 or 4 weeks deep and am around $250. Having said that, I think my spending spree has come to a halt. Unless… I see some shiny stuff at the Cleveland Juggling/yoyo thing that is happening next weekend.

Bought a few yoyos, quite a few different strings to try, thick/thin lube, couple different bearings to play around with…

maybe around 600 give or take some.

Yay! The title was fixed!

First, thanks for fixing the title. ;D

Now to answer the question, thousands and thousands less than I spent on RC FPV.

I dont think it matters as long as your content! As long as you keep buying and keep loving it should never matter!

According to my wife…I’ve spent $700.00…since August 2015? Spent most of it on the YYE website…
But…then, again…I don’t keep track…of what or how much…my bad! :smiley:
A happy wife…means happy life! Don’t forget that guys!

A little over $3200, not including the ones from the 80’s and 90’s I bought.

I just went through a decade of emails. From 2005-2015, I have spent exactly $549.76 on online yoyo purchases.

Enough to have backpacked Asia :smiley:

Just under 300

Oh my… Lemme add these up hold on. About $1550 :o

Started a year ago and so far I’m at about $350ish

My wife added up said something like 500ish ?? But some have been great deals on used ones on ebay. ; )

Over 9000!?!!?! Almost quite literally :-X :-\