how "much" have you spent on yo-yos

Uh… But, guess who got all the money?

Word to the side burns and Dark Magic! ;D

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based on TA’s collection, I think she singlehandedly pays for the servers and software that this forum runs on ;D


374$ after selling buying stuff. Till now

More than I should have.

That’s pretty good. I wish I could receive free yoyos.

wait you said 400 this year what about all together? and not mud i meant much come on serious question

it helps when your a girl yoyoer and win a lot of online contests.

I have spent no mud, but I have give 20 goat for one before. very over price, only worth 4 hen

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I knew someone was gonna say this :slight_smile:

A mixture of modesty and shame prevent me from posting my estimate. Modesty because it’s far more than most others could afford to spend, and shame because it’s far more than I myself could afford to spend.

I don’t really wanna think about it.

i would say for my 5ish years (only really got into it in early 2012 but watever) $1000ish give or take a couple hundred


^ you and me the same ::slight_smile:

I have been yoyoing for 4-5 years and I have spent 260 dollars. I do a ton of research on which ones, and I make absolutely sure it’s the yoyo I want before buying it. I then buy a b grade, or a discounted version. This way I don’t break the bank, and I get a yoyo that I know I will like.

im reaching about a thousand is that to much i feel bad for spending this much on yo-yos but then again i extensively use every single yoyo, yoyo string and bearing that i buy.

Then you’re spending it for your own reason and there is nothing wrong with that as long as it’s within your means. People spend more than that just for a couple golf outings. At least your hobby is something you will always have to show for and you always have the option to trade or sell them if you wanted. Other hobbies such as golf have incredible fees just to play the course… you get nothing back but the memory! ;D

I wish I could trade mud for yo-yos.

Some one needs to fix this title :smiley:

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Yeah really, nearly 40 replies later! Modify the title!